Jupyter Notebook

Explaining Jupyter Notebook in Python

Summary: Jupyter Notebook is a powerful tool for Python users in Data Science and scientific computing. It combines code, text, and visualisations in interactive documents called notebooks. This tutorial guides you through launching Jupyter Notebook, using cells for code and explanations, and running Python code. Explore tips,, tricks, and resources to learn more about this user-friendly data exploration and analysis environment.


Jupyter Notebook in Python, a web-based interactive environment, has become a cornerstone for Python enthusiasts. It allows you to write code, visualise data, and document your work within a user-friendly interface.

If you are new and eager to start with Python, this blog is your one-stop guide! We will cover the Jupyter Notebook Python tutorial and equip you with techniques to verify a successful setup.

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Jupyter Notebook Tutorial: A Beginner’s Guide

Jupyter Notebook is a web-based interactive development environment perfect for users who work with Data Science, Scientific Computing, and Machine Learning. It allows you to create notebooks that combine code, text, visualisations, and equations. This tutorial will guide you through the basics of using Jupyter Notebook.

Getting Started

Users have two straightforward methods for launching the Jupyter Notebook. Utilising Anaconda Navigator, users can effortlessly find and initiate the Jupyter Notebook with a simple click of the “Launch” button, streamlining access for beginners and seasoned users alike.

Alternatively, launching via terminal offers flexibility: navigate to the desired directory and start the notebook with a command. This method directs users to http://localhost:8888/tree,  where they can begin their interactive session promptly in a web browser environment. 

These options cater to diverse user preferences and operational needs, ensuring a seamless start to utilising Jupyter Notebook’s powerful capabilities.

User Interface

The interface of Jupyter Notebook is built upon two core elements: cells and a toolbar. Cells function as foundational units, accommodating either code execution for programming tasks or markdown for textual annotations and explanations. 

Meanwhile, the toolbar provides a comprehensive array of tools, enabling users to effortlessly add, execute, and manipulate cells, ensuring streamlined workflow management. Moreover, it facilitates essential actions such as saving notebooks and promoting enhanced usability and operational efficiency within the interactive development environment. 

Together, these components empower users to integrate code, text, and visual elements seamlessly, fostering a dynamic and productive workspace for data science and computational exploration.

Working with Cells

Working with cells in Jupyter Notebook involves several key actions to enhance workflow efficiency. To add cells, users can click the “+” button on the toolbar or utilise keyboard shortcuts like Esc followed by a or b to insert cells above or below the current position. 

Cell types can be toggled between code and markdown by selecting the cell type dropdown in each cell’s top right corner. Editing cells is straightforward: simply click inside a cell to enter edit mode, allowing users to input code or text seamlessly. 

Pressing Ctrl + Enter (Windows/Linux) or Cmd + Enter (Mac) executes code within a code cell. Outputs are displayed directly below the executed cell, facilitating real-time code evaluation and analysis.

Markdown Cells

Markdown cells in Jupyter Notebook are essential for enhancing project documentation and clarity. They support formatted text and mathematical equations using LaTeX syntax and enable seamless image embedding. 

This versatility allows users to document processes clearly, explain methodologies effectively, and provide crucial context to code snippets. Whether detailing algorithmic steps, annotating results with visual aids, or structuring project reports, markdown cells ensure comprehensive and well-organized documentation. 

This capability proves invaluable in collaborative settings and during project reviews, where clarity and thoroughness in explanations are paramount for understanding and reproducibility.

Saving Notebooks

Saving work in Jupyter Notebook is straightforward and crucial for project management. Users access the “File” menu to effortlessly save their work by selecting “Save” or “Save As”. Notebooks are conventionally saved as .ipynb files, meticulously preserving every aspect of the document, from code and text to generated outputs. 

This preservation supports seamless future reference and facilitates collaborative efforts by maintaining version control. Thus, the save functionality in Jupyter Notebook plays a pivotal role in ensuring project continuity and facilitating effective team collaboration across various computational and analytical tasks.

Tips and Tricks

Efficiency tips in Jupyter Notebook are designed to streamline your workflow and enhance productivity. Familiarise yourself with essential keyboard shortcuts: press Esc to enter command mode for cell manipulation, and use Enter to switch to edit mode for typing within cells. 

The toolbar is equipped with convenient utilities for cutting, copying, and pasting cells, making it easier to organise and rearrange your notebook content. 

Additionally, don’t forget to explore the “Help” menu, where you can access comprehensive documentation and a complete list of keyboard shortcuts. This resource is invaluable for discovering advanced features and further optimising your workflow in Jupyter Notebook.

This tutorial provides a basic introduction to Jupyter Notebook. You can become comfortable using it for your Data Analysis and coding projects by practising and exploring its features.

Why Use Jupyter Notebook with Python?

Why Use Jupyter Notebook with Python?

Understanding why to use Jupyter Notebook with Python is crucial for Data Science and analysis. It offers an interactive environment to write and execute code, visualise data, and document workflows seamlessly. It provides a plethora of advantages for Python programmers:

  • Interactive Coding: Execute code line-by-line, observe results instantly, and refine your code as you go.
  • Rich Text & Code Integration: Seamlessly blends explanations, markdown text, and Python code within a single notebook, making your work well-documented and reproducible.
  • Data Visualisation: Leverage libraries like Matplotlib and Seaborn to create stunning charts and graphs directly within your notebook.
  • Sharing & Collaboration: Easily share your notebooks with colleagues or export them as formats (HTML, Python script, etc.) for broader accessibility.

Now that you’re convinced about Jupyter Notebook’s awesomeness let’s dive into the installation process!

Jupyter Notebook Python Tutorial

Tutorials help bridge knowledge gaps, offer practical examples, and enhance understanding of complex topics, making learning more accessible and effective for individuals at any level. In this blog section, you will look at the tutorial on Jupyer Notebook in Python. There are two primary ways to install Jupyter Notebook for Python:

  1. How to Install Jupyter Notebook Using pip

If you already have Python installed, use the pip package manager to install Jupyter Notebook. This method assumes you already have Python 3.3 or later installed on your system.

  • Install Jupyter Notebook: Open a terminal and run the following command:
  • Start Jupyter Notebook: In your terminal, navigate to the directory where you want to start your notebook and run:
  1. Using Anaconda (recommended for beginners)

Anaconda is a free scientific Python distribution that includes Python, Jupyter Notebook, and many other popular scientific computing packages.

  • Download and Install Anaconda
    • Go to the Anaconda download page https://www.anaconda.com/download and download your operating system’s latest Python 3 version installer.
    • Follow the on-screen instructions to install Anaconda.
  • Launch Jupyter Notebook
    • Open the Anaconda Navigator application (usually found in your start menu).
    • In the Navigator home screen, locate “Jupyter Notebook” and click the “Launch” button.

Additional Notes

Installing Jupyter Notebook in a virtual environment is highly recommended to isolate project dependencies. It ensures that the packages and libraries required for your project do not interfere with other projects on your system. 

You can find detailed instructions for creating virtual environments with tools like Venv or virtualenv online. These tools make creating a self-contained environment for your Python projects easy.

After installing Jupyter Notebook using either of these methods, you should verify the installation. To do this, open your terminal and run the command `Jupyter Notebook—- version`. This command will display the installed version of Jupyter Notebook, confirming that the installation was successful. 

By following these steps, you can ensure a clean and organised setup for your Data Science projects.

Verification Steps

To verify that the Jupyter Notebook is set up correctly after installation, you should first launch it. Open your terminal or command prompt and enter the command `jupyter notebook`. If installed correctly, your web browser will automatically open a new tab displaying the Jupyter Notebook interface.

Optionally, you can check the installed Python version within a Jupyter Notebook cell. Run the following code:

Press Shift + Enter or click the “Run” button in the toolbar to execute the cell. The output will show the information on your Python version.

You can begin your Data Science or coding endeavours with Jupyter Notebook, which has been successfully installed and verified for Python. Explore the interface to familiarise yourself with its functionalities, such as cells, menus, and toolbars. 

Additionally, leverage numerous online tutorials and resources to master Jupyter Notebook and its capabilities. Consider installing additional Python libraries using `pip install <library_name>` to tailor your environment to specific needs.

By embracing Jupyter Notebook, you’re on the path to becoming a proficient Python programmer equipped to tackle diverse programming challenges effectively.

Further See: 
Python Interview Questions And Answers.
How to write a function in Python?
Demystifying Armstrong Number in Python: A Pythonic Exploration.
A/B Testing for Data Science using Python – A Must-Read Guide for Data Scientists.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Jupyter Notebook cells?

Jupyter Notebook cells serve as the interface’s fundamental units. Code cells enable the writing and execution of Python code directly within the notebook. Meanwhile, Markdown cells allow users to seamlessly incorporate formatted text, explanations, and mathematical equations into their documents.

How do I run Python code in a Jupyter Notebook?

To run Python code in a Jupyter Notebook, simply type your code into a code cell and execute it by pressing Ctrl + Enter (Windows/Linux) or Cmd + Enter (Mac). This action triggers the execution of the code, with results promptly displayed beneath the cell for immediate review.

What are some benefits of using Jupyter Notebook?

Using a Jupyter Notebook offers several advantages. First, it facilitates interactive coding, where users can execute code line by line, observing results instantaneously. Second, it supports clear explanations by enabling the integration of code with textual descriptions and visualisations, enhancing comprehension. Third, Jupyter Notebooks facilitate easy sharing, allowing collaborators to seamlessly reproduce and build upon your work.


Jupyter Notebook is a versatile tool that simplifies Data Analysis and exploration in Python. Its interactive nature makes it perfect for prototyping, explaining code, and creating shareable documents. With practice, you can leverage Jupyter Notebook to enhance your Python workflow in various Data Science and scientific computing applications.


  • Sam Waterston

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    Sam Waterston, a Data analyst with significant experience, excels in tailoring existing quality management best practices to suit the demands of rapidly evolving digital enterprises.

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