Bagging vs Boosting

Bagging vs Boosting in Machine Learning: All You Need To Know

Summary: This blog discusses bagging and boosting, two essential ensemble techniques in machine learning. It highlights their differences, advantages, and scenarios for practical application, providing insights into improving model performance through these methods.


Machine Learning is an evolving field. It has led to the search for developments that have transformed the industry. Among the techniques used in Machine Learning, it also incorporates creating algorithms and models to learn from the data, improvise, and make decisions. 

Bagging and Boosting are other popular techniques use in Machine Learning. These techniques improve models. This blog will focus on bagging vs. boosting in machine learning. 

What is Machine Learning?

Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) that focuses on building systems capable of learning from data and making decisions with minimal human intervention. At its core, machine learning uses algorithms to analyse patterns in large datasets, enabling computers to predict outcomes, classify information, and even identify trends.

The process begins by feeding data into a machine-learning model. This data, often examples with known outcomes, allows the model to recognise patterns and relationships. As the model processes more data, it becomes better at making accurate predictions. For example, a machine learning model trained on images of cats and dogs can learn to distinguish between them in new, unseen photos.

Machine learning is divided into three main types: supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning. In supervised learning, models learn from labelled data, meaning the input data paired with the correct output. On the other hand, unsupervised learning involves finding hidden patterns in data without labelled outcomes. Reinforcement learning teaches models to make decisions by rewarding correct actions and penalising mistakes.

Machine learning transforms industries, from healthcare and finance to marketing and transportation. Its ability to automate complex tasks, make real-time decisions, and provide valuable insights makes it a powerful tool in today’s data-driven world. 

As the field continues to evolve, machine learning will play an increasingly vital role in shaping the future of technology and society.

Explore: A Beginners Guide to Deep Reinforcement Learning.

What is Ensemble Learning in Machine Learning?

Ensemble learning in machine learning refers to a technique where multiple models, often called “learners,” combined to solve a problem or make a prediction. The idea behind ensemble learning is that by aggregating the predictions of several models, the overall accuracy and robustness of the prediction can improved compared to using a single model.

Ensemble learning is powerful because it reduces the risk of overfitting, which can occur when a single model is too closely tailor to the training data. Combining multiple models allows ensemble learning to better generalise to new data, leading to more accurate and reliable predictions.

Ensemble learning widely used in real-world applications, such as finance, healthcare, and image recognition, where high accuracy is critical. Its ability to leverage the strengths of multiple models makes ensemble learning a valuable tool in the machine learning toolkit.

Bagging and Boosting are two of the most popular and simple learning methods. The next segments will review their key features and provide examples. 


Bagging, also known as bootstrap aggregating, is a powerful ensemble technique in machine learning. This method creates multiple subsets of the original training data through random sampling with replacement. 

Each of these subsets used to train a separate model, allowing for diverse learning experiences among the models. The key idea behind bagging is to reduce variance by averaging the predictions of these multiple models. 

This results in a more stable and accurate outcome than a single model trained on the entire dataset.

Random Forest, a popular machine learning algorithm, effectively employs the concept of bagging. It combines the power of decision trees with the robustness of bagging to create a highly accurate predictive model. Here’s how it works:

  • Random Subsets: Random Forest starts by generating multiple random subsets of the training data. Each subgroup used to train an individual decision tree.
  • Building Decision Trees: Each decision tree is constructed independently using its respective subset of data. Due to the variability in the subsets, these trees learn different aspects of the data.
  • Aggregating Predictions: Once all the decision trees are trained, their predictions are aggregated. The final prediction is typically made for classification tasks by taking a majority vote across all the trees. For regression tasks, the average of the projections is taken.

Random Forest is particularly well-suited for handling high-dimensional data and is known for providing robust and accurate predictions. Its strength lies in its ability to generalise to unseen data, making it a go-to algorithm for many machine learning practitioners.

Advantages of Bagging

As mentioned above, bagging combines the predictions of several base models to improve accuracy and robustness. It enhances model performance by reducing variance, combating overfitting, and utilising parallel computing to save time. Here are some critical advantages of bagging:

  • Reduced Variance and Improved Model Stability: Bagging significantly reduces the variance of predictions by averaging the results of multiple models. Each model is traine on a different subset of the training data, which helps to smooth out errors and produce a more stable and reliable model.
  • Handles Overfitting and High-Dimensional Data Well: By combining predictions from various models, bagging helps to mitigate overfitting. This is especially useful in high-dimensional data scenarios where a single model might struggle to generalise well. The ensemble approach provides a more balanced view and reduces the risk of fitting noise in the data.
  • Trained in Parallel, Saving Computational Time: Bagging can be efficiently implemented in parallel because each model is trained independently on different data subsets. This parallelism speeds up the training process, making handling large datasets and complex models more effectively feasible.

Disadvantages of Bagging

While bagging offers several benefits, it also has its drawbacks that can affect its effectiveness and usability. Understanding these disadvantages is crucial for applying bagging appropriately in different scenarios.

  • Decrease in Interpretability: Bagging involves aggregating predictions from multiple base models, which can complicate the overall interpretation of the model. Unlike single models, where the decision-making process is more transparent, the ensemble approach can obscure how predictions are made, making it harder to understand and explain the model’s behaviour.
  • Effectiveness Depends on Model Diversity: Bagging relies on the diversity of the base models to improve performance. If the base models are too similar or lack diversity, the benefits of bagging are diminished. The technique may not improve significantly if all the models make similar errors, as the aggregation will not provide substantial corrective adjustments.
  • Increased Computational Resources: Although bagging can be trained in parallel, it still requires multiple instances of model training, which can demand significant computational resources. This increased computational cost can become a practical limitation for huge datasets or complex models, potentially outweighing the benefits.

While bagging is a powerful technique, it can suffer from interpretability issues, dependence on model diversity, and high computational demands.

When to use Bagging?

Bagging, or Bootstrap Aggregating, is a robust ensemble technique best utilised under specific conditions where its strengths can be fully leveraged. It is particularly effective in scenarios where reducing variance and improving model stability are crucial. Here’s when to choose bagging:

  • Reducing Variance and Increasing Stability: Use bagging when your primary goal is to decrease model variance and enhance stability. By training multiple models on different subsets of the data and averaging their predictions, bagging effectively smooths out fluctuations and provides more consistent results.
  • Handling High-Dimensional Data and Overfitting: Bagging excels at dealing with high-dimensional datasets and mitigating overfitting. Creating multiple versions of the model on varied subsets helps generalise better and reduces the risk of overfitting to noisy or complex features.
  • When Interpretability is Less Critical: Opt for bagging when interpretability is not a significant concern. Since bagging combines the predictions from multiple models, it can obscure the decision-making process and make it harder to interpret individual model contributions.
  • Parallel Training for Efficiency: Bagging is suitable for parallel scenarios where models can be trained, optimising computational efficiency. This parallelism allows for faster training times, which is especially beneficial when handling large datasets.

Ultimately, selecting between bagging and boosting depends on your problem’s specific goals and your dataset’s characteristics.

Example of Bagging in Machine Learning Using the Random Forest Algorithm

Bagging in Machine Learning

Bagging enhances model performance by combining predictions from multiple models trained on different subsets of the data. One of the most popular implementations of bagging is the Random Forest algorithm. Here’s a detailed example of how bagging works in the context of the Random Forest algorithm for email classification.

Problem: Classification of Emails as Spam or Non-Spam

In this example, the task is to classify emails as either spam or non-spam. The dataset consists of emails, each labelled as either spam or non-spam based on its content and other features.

Dataset: A Collection of Labeled Emails

The dataset used for this classification problem contains various features extracted from emails, such as text content, sender information, and metadata. Each email in the dataset labelled as spam or non-spam, providing the ground truth needed for training and evaluating the model.

Bagging with Random Forest

The Random Forest algorithm utilises bagging to create a robust ensemble of decision trees. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of how bagging is applied:

  1. Random Sampling of Training Data: Randomly sample subsets of the training data with replacement. Each subset, known as a bootstrap sample, contains a portion of the emails chosen randomly from the original dataset. Some emails may repeated in these subsets, while others might excluded.
  2. Training Decision Trees: Train a separate decision tree model on each bootstrap sample. Each decision tree is built independently, using different subsets of the data. This process helps to diversify the models, as each tree learns from a unique sample of the data.
  3. Formation of the Random Forest: The decision trees trained on different subsets collectively form a Random Forest. The ensemble of decision trees works together to make predictions.
  4. Prediction Process: To classify a new email, pass it through each decision tree in the Random Forest. Each decision tree predicts whether the email is spam or non-spam.
  5. Aggregation of Predictions: Aggregate the predictions of all decision trees using a method such as majority voting. In this approach, the class (spam or non-spam) that receives the most votes from the trees becomes the final prediction for the email.

Advantages of Bagging with Random Forest

Using bagging with the Random Forest algorithm offers several key advantages:

  • Reduced Variance and Improved Model Stability: Random Forest minimises the model’s variance by averaging the predictions from multiple decision trees, leading to more stable and reliable predictions.
  • Effective Handling of High-Dimensional Data: Random Forest can efficiently handle high-dimensional data, making it suitable for datasets with many features, such as email classification, where feature extraction can be complex.
  • Robustness Against Overfitting: The ensemble approach helps mitigate overfitting, as combining multiple trees reduces the risk of fitting noise in the training data. Each decision tree may overfit its bootstrap sample, but the aggregated model is more generalisable.
  • Handling Both Numerical and Categorical Features: Random Forest can process numerical and categorical features, providing feature selection and preprocessing flexibility.

Usage in Various Domains

Bagging with Random Forest widely used in various domains beyond spam detection. Its robustness and versatility make it suitable for applications such as:

  • Medical Diagnosis: Random Forest can predict diseases based on patient data, where accurate classification is crucial.
  • Credit Risk Assessment: Financial institutions use Random Forest to assess credit risk and make informed lending decisions.
  • Customer Segmentation: In marketing, Random Forest helps segment customers based on their behaviour and preferences.

Note on Bagging with Other Models

While this example illustrates bagging with Random Forest, the principles of bagging can applied to other base models. For instance, bagged decision trees or neural networks can benefit from the same technique of creating subsets and aggregating predictions to improve model performance and stability.

Overall, bagging with Random Forest exemplifies how combining multiple models can enhance predictive accuracy, handle complex data, and provide robust solutions across various domains.


Boosting is an advanced ensemble learning technique that enhances the performance of machine learning models. By combining multiple weak learners, boosting creates a robust, high-performing model, unlike bagging, which trains models independently and in parallel, boosting trains models sequentially. 

Each new model focuses on correcting the errors made by the previous ones, ensuring that the overall model becomes more accurate over time.

Key characteristics of boosting are:

Sequential Training: Boosting involves training models one after another, each building on its predecessor’s mistakes. This approach allows the model to continually improve by focusing on the hardest-to-predict instances.

Weight Assignment: During training, boosting algorithms assign higher weights to instances misclassified by previous models. This ensures that subsequent models pay more attention to these problematic cases, improving accuracy.

Improvement Over Time: As each new model trained, the overall prediction accuracy improves because the errors of the previous models gradually minimised.

Popular boosting algorithms are:

AdaBoost (Adaptive Boosting):

  • AdaBoost is a widely use boosting algorithm that assigns weights to each instance in the training data.
  • Misclassified instances receive higher weights, so subsequent models focus more on correcting these errors.
  • By adjusting the focus, AdaBoost steadily improves the model’s overall accuracy.

Gradient Boosting:

  • Gradient Boosting is another powerful boosting algorithm that also trains models sequentially.
  • Each model designed to minimise the errors of the previous models using gradient descent optimisation.
  • Over time, this approach results in a model with high predictive accuracy, making Gradient Boosting a popular choice for many machine learning tasks.

By leveraging the strengths of multiple models, boosting effectively transforms weak learners into a strong, cohesive model that delivers accurate predictions.

Advantages of Boosting

As explained earlier, boosting trains models sequentially, with each new model focusing on correcting the errors of its predecessors. It enhances accuracy, manages class imbalance, and generates potent predictive models, making it a valuable technique in machine learning. Here are some critical advantages of boosting:

  • Significant Improvement in Accuracy: Boosting can significantly enhance the accuracy of weak models by iteratively refining their predictions. Each subsequent model in the sequence trained to correct the mistakes made by the previous models, leading to a substantial boost in overall accuracy and predictive performance.
  • Effective Handling of Class Imbalance: Boosting addresses class imbalance by assigning higher weights to misclassified instances. This approach ensures that the model pays more attention to underrepresented classes and difficult cases, improving its ability to predict minority class outcomes accurately and balancing the model’s performance across different classes.
  • Production of Powerful Predictive Models: Boosting algorithms, such as AdaBoost and Gradient Boosting, produce compelling predictive models. By focusing on correcting errors and combining the strengths of multiple weak learners, boosting creates a robust model capable of making accurate and reliable predictions in various applications.

Disadvantages of Boosting

Boosting is a powerful machine-learning technique, but it has some notable drawbacks that can impact its effectiveness and practicality. Understanding these disadvantages is essential for proper application and optimisation of boosting methods.

  • Susceptible to Overfitting: Boosting can be prone to overfitting, especially when dealing with noisy data or datasets containing outliers. As boosting focuses on correcting errors from previous models, it may fit the noise in the training data too closely, leading to a model that performs well on training data but poorly on unseen test data.
  • Computationally Expensive and Time-Consuming: The iterative nature of boosting, where each new model builds upon the errors of previous ones, can lead to significant computational demands. Training boosting models often requires substantial processing power and time, particularly with large datasets or complex models, which can be a practical limitation in resource-constrained environments.
  • Complexity of Model Tuning: Boosting algorithms often involve several hyperparameters that need careful tuning to achieve optimal performance. This complexity can make the model-tuning process more challenging and time-consuming, requiring extensive experimentation to find the best settings and prevent overfitting.

In summary, while boosting is effective, it can suffer from overfitting issues, high computational costs, and complex tuning requirements.

When to use Boosting?

Boosting is a versatile and powerful technique best utilised under specific conditions to maximise its benefits. Its unique approach to model training makes it particularly effective in several scenarios:

  • Improving Accuracy of Weak Models: Use boosting when your primary goal is to enhance the performance of weak models. Boosting excels at turning simple models into highly accurate predictors by sequentially correcting errors, making it ideal for scenarios where initial models are not sufficiently precise.
  • Reducing Bias and Enhancing Prediction Accuracy: When reducing bias and improving overall prediction accuracy is critical, opt for boosting. Boosting minimises errors from previous models, which helps refine predictions and achieve higher accuracy, especially in complex datasets.
  • Handling Class Imbalance: Boosting is effective in dealing with class imbalance issues. By assigning higher weights to misclassified instances, boosting ensures that the model pays more attention to underrepresented classes, improving its performance across different classes and balancing predictions.
  • Correcting Noisy or Outlier Data: Boosting can be particularly useful when the dataset contains noisy or outlier data points. Its iterative approach allows each new model to correct the mistakes of previous ones, making it adept at handling data irregularities and improving robustness.

Overall, boosting is well-suited for scenarios where accuracy, class imbalance, and data noise are vital concerns.

Example of Boosting in Machine Learning Using the AdaBoost Algorithm

Boosting in Machine Learning

Boosting sequentially trains models to correct the mistakes of their predecessors. AdaBoost (Adaptive Boosting) is a popular boosting algorithm that effectively demonstrates this approach. Here’s how AdaBoost can be applied to a classification problem, such as distinguishing between images of cats and dogs.

Problem: Classification of Images as Cat or Dog

In this example, the objective is to classify images into two categories: cat or dog. The dataset consists of labelled images, each tagged as a cat or a dog. The challenge is to build a model that can accurately classify new pictures based on this training data.

Dataset: A Collection of Labeled Images

The dataset for this classification task includes numerous images of cats and dogs, each labelled correctly. This dataset provides the necessary examples for training and evaluating the AdaBoost model.

Boosting with AdaBoost

AdaBoost enhances the performance of weak classifiers by focusing on the errors made by previous models. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of how AdaBoost works in this context:

  1. Initial Weight Assignment: Begin by assigning equal weights to all training samples. This initial uniform weighting ensures that each image, whether of a cat or dog, is treated equally at the start of the training process.
  2. Training a Weak Classifier: Train a weak classifier on the weighted dataset, such as a decision stump (a one-level decision tree). A weak classifier is a simple model that performs slightly better than random guessing.
  3. Calculating Error Rate: After training the weak classifier, calculate its error rate by comparing its predictions with the actual labels of the training images. The error rate reflects how well the classifier is performing on the dataset.
  4. Updating Weights of Misclassified Samples: Increase the weights of misclassified samples. AdaBoost ensures that these harder-to-classify examples are given more focus in the next iteration by giving more importance to the images that the current classifier got wrong.
  5. Training a New Weak Classifier: Train a new weak classifier on the updated weighted data. This new classifier will focus more on the samples misclassified by the previous model.
  6. Repeating the Process: Repeat steps 3 to 5 for a specified number of iterations or until the desired level of accuracy is achieved. Each iteration creates a new weak classifier that corrects the errors of the previous ones.
  7. Assigning Weights to Classifiers: Based on performance, assign a weight to each weak classifier. Classifiers with lower error rates are given higher weights, reflecting their better performance in the ensemble.
  8. Combining Predictions: Combine the predictions of all weak classifiers to make the final prediction. Each classifier’s vote is weighted according to its performance, and the aggregate prediction is determined based on these weighted votes.

Advantages of Boosting with AdaBoost

AdaBoost offers several advantages that make it a valuable tool for machine learning:

  • Enhanced Accuracy: AdaBoost focuses on classifying complex samples, improving overall accuracy by systematically addressing errors made by previous classifiers.
  • Effective Handling of Class Imbalance: By increasing the weight of misclassified samples, AdaBoost handles class imbalance effectively, ensuring that less-represented classes are given more attention.
  • Creation of Strong Classifiers: AdaBoost can create a robust classifier from multiple weak classifiers, enhancing predictive performance beyond what each model could achieve.
  • Adaptability: AdaBoost is versatile and can be applied to various machine learning tasks, including classification and regression problems.

Usage in Various Domains

AdaBoost is widely used in various domains, particularly where high accuracy and robustness are required. Its applications include:

  • Computer Vision: AdaBoost is commonly used in object recognition and face detection tasks, where accurate visual data classification is crucial.
  • Image Classification: In scenarios involving complex image classification, such as distinguishing between different animal species or identifying objects in images, AdaBoost helps improve accuracy and robustness.

Read: Secrets of Image Recognition using Machine Learning and MATLAB.

Note on Boosting with Other Algorithms

While this example highlights boosting using the AdaBoost algorithm, boosting techniques can be implemented with other algorithms like Gradient Boosting, XGBoost, or LightGBM. The core principle of boosting remains the same: iteratively trains models to correct previous ones’ mistakes, creating a powerful ensemble model that enhances overall performance.

Overall, AdaBoost showcases how boosting can transform weak models into a robust, accurate ensemble, making it a valuable technique in machine learning for various challenging tasks.

Bagging vs Boosting in Machine Learning

Bagging and Boosting are two prominent ensemble learning techniques in machine learning, but they differ in several key aspects.

In Bagging, models are trained independently on various subsets of the data. This approach allows each model to make predictions without being influenced by others, making it possible to train the models in parallel. 

The main advantage of Bagging is its ability to reduce the model’s variance by averaging predictions from multiple models. This averaging process helps stabilise the model’s predictions, making it less sensitive to fluctuations in the training data.

On the other hand, Boosting takes a sequential approach to training. Here, models are not independent; each subsequent model is trained to correct the errors made by the previous ones. This sequential process ensures that the models learn from past mistakes, focusing on instances misclassified earlier.

Boosting effectively reduces both bias and variance by iteratively improving the model’s predictions. Unlike Bagging, where predictions are combined by averaging or voting, Boosting uses weighted voting, giving more importance to the models that perform better.

Bagging and Boosting differ in their error-handling techniques as well. While Bagging primarily focuses on reducing variance, Boosting minimises bias and variance, leading to more accurate predictions. 

The parallel training in Bagging contrasts with the sequential nature of Boosting, highlighting the fundamental difference in how these ensemble methods operate and improve model performance.

Tabular Representation of Bagging vs Boosting in Machine Learning

Examining a tabular representation of Bagging vs. Boosting in machine learning provides a clear, comparative view of their methodologies, strengths, and weaknesses. This format simplifies understanding their differences, helps select the right approach for specific problems, and enhances decision-making in model optimisation and performance evaluation.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between bagging and boosting in machine learning?

Bagging and boosting are both ensemble techniques used to improve model performance. Bagging reduces variance by training multiple models independently and averaging their predictions while boosting sequentially trained models, focusing on correcting the errors of previous ones to enhance accuracy.

When should I use bagging in machine learning?

Use bagging to reduce variance and improve model stability, especially with high-dimensional datasets. It effectively mitigates overfitting and is beneficial when interpretability is less critical, and parallel training can enhance efficiency.

What are the advantages of using boosting in machine learning?

Boosting significantly improves the accuracy of weak models by iteratively refining predictions. It effectively handles class imbalance by focusing on misclassified instances and produces powerful predictive models, making it suitable for various applications requiring high accuracy.


Bagging and Boosting are powerful ensemble learning techniques that aim to improve the performance of Machine Learning models. Bagging focuses on reducing variance and increasing stability while boosting aims to create a strong learner by iteratively correcting the mistakes of weak models. 

Understanding the differences between Bagging and Boosting can help data scientists choose the appropriate ensemble technique based on their specific requirements. 


  • Neha Singh

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    I’m a full-time freelance writer and editor who enjoys wordsmithing. The 8 years long journey as a content writer and editor has made me relaize the significance and power of choosing the right words. Prior to my writing journey, I was a trainer and human resource manager. WIth more than a decade long professional journey, I find myself more powerful as a wordsmith. As an avid writer, everything around me inspires me and pushes me to string words and ideas to create unique content; and when I’m not writing and editing, I enjoy experimenting with my culinary skills, reading, gardening, and spending time with my adorable little mutt Neel.