data visualization in python

Data Visualisations in Python and R: Python Vs R

Summary: Data visualisation is crucial for interpreting complex data. Python and R offer unique libraries for creating visual representations, helping data scientists derive insights and communicate findings effectively. Understanding each language’s strengths enhances decision-making in various fields.


We all know the significance of data in formulating business strategies. However, with the growing complexities of data sets, only AI and a more sophisticated coding language will be able to unveil the information hidden in them. Access to the right tools will help extract clear insights from complex data sets. 

Data visualisation helps present inferred information more effectively. In Python and R, the data scientist can explore the details and information in the datasets.

Python and R are advanced programming languages used to glean insights into complex datasets. The human brain can process visual data much better than any other information. Around 90% of our brain processes visual data, which is more impactful than hearing. 

As machine learning and advanced analytics continue to intervene in our lives, large amounts of structured and unstructured data are created daily. The right programming language and coding can help us unravel the details of this data.

In this article, we will discuss the key aspects of Python and R and explain how data visualisation in R and Python works. 

Overview of Data Visualisation

Data visualisation enables humans to explore and understand data in various ways, making complex information more accessible and actionable. As we generate more data than ever, the need to interpret this data effectively has become critical. 

The human brain naturally seeks out patterns and narratives, and data visualisation taps into this ability, helping us to derive strategies from vast amounts of information.

Data visualisation converts raw data into visual formats such as charts, graphs, maps, and dashboards. These visual representations simplify data analysis by highlighting trends, patterns, and correlations that might be missed in raw data form. Transforming data into a visual context makes it easier for decision-makers to comprehend insights and take informed actions.

Data scientists are crucial in managing structured and unstructured data in today’s data-driven world. With the right data visualisation tools, they can unlock the hidden potential within datasets, making it easier to identify key information. 

Effective data visualisation not only aids in exploring meaningful insights but also facilitates communication of these insights to stakeholders, driving better decision-making processes across industries. 

Elements of Data Visualisation

Elements of Data Visualisation

You can gain insights, identify trends, and make informed decisions by leveraging various data visualisation elements. Here’s an overview of the essential elements you can use to explore your data:


  • Bar Charts: Bar charts are ideal for comparing quantities across different categories. They are easy to understand and can quickly highlight disparities or similarities between data sets.
  • Pie Charts: Pie charts show proportions and percentages, making them helpful in understanding how a whole is divided into parts. Each segment of the pie represents a category’s contribution to the total.
  • Line Charts: Line charts are perfect for tracking changes over time. They connect data points with lines, making visible trends, patterns, and fluctuations.


  • Scatter Plots: Scatter plots display relationships between two variables. You can identify correlations, clusters, or outliers by plotting individual data points.
  • Histograms: Histograms visualise the distribution of a single variable. They show the frequency of data points within specified ranges, making it easy to see where most data points fall.


  • Box Plots: Box plots summarise a dataset’s distribution, including the median, quartiles, and potential outliers. They help compare distributions across multiple groups.
  • Heatmaps: Heatmaps use color to represent data values in a matrix format. They effectively display the intensity of data points, making patterns and trends immediately apparent.


  • Choropleth Maps: Choropleth maps represent data through colour-coded regions on a geographical map. They are great for visualising regional differences or trends.
  • Bubble Maps: Bubble maps overlay data points on a map, using bubbles of varying sizes to represent the magnitude of a variable in different locations.

These visualisation elements help you turn raw data into meaningful insights, allowing you to explore and understand your data from different perspectives.

Data Visualisation in Python 

Python is one of the most recognised and universally used programming languages for data visualisation. It is an easy-to-use programming language and hence finds application in data visualisation. Python proves helpful when dealing with problems with machine learning or deep learning.

There is a range of libraries that you can use to create data visualisation in Python. Some of the popular options are Plotly, seaborn, Matplotlib and others. Using Python for data visualisation lets you gain critical insights into your data. Some of the key aspects you can explore through visualisations include:

  • Distribution: Understand how data is spread across different values.
  • Mean: Visualise the average value of your data.
  • Median: Determine the middle value of your dataset.
  • Outliers: Identify data points that differ significantly from others.
  • Correlation: Explore relationships between different variables.
  • Skewness: Detect asymmetry in your data distribution.
  • Spread Measurements: Assess the variability or dispersion of your data.

Python provides various libraries with different features for visualising data. All these libraries can support various types of graphs. 

Exploring in-depth about the Different Libraries used in Python Data Visualisation

Each Python library has unique features, strengths, and capabilities, catering to different needs and preferences. This section will explore four of the most popular Python libraries for data visualisation: Matplotlib, Bokeh, Seaborn, and Plotly. We’ll discuss their functionalities, use cases, and installation.


Matplotlib is one of Python’s most widely used libraries for data visualisation. It is renowned for its simplicity and versatility, making it a go-to tool for basic visualisations. Matplotlib provides a low-level interface that allows you to create a variety of plots, such as histograms, line plots, scatter plots, bar charts, and more. 

While it may not offer the most sophisticated graphics, its ease of use and extensive documentation make it an excellent choice for beginners and quick visualisations.

With Matplotlib, you have complete control over every aspect of your plots. You can customise axes, labels, colours, and styles to suit your needs. However, because Matplotlib operates at a low level, creating complex visualisations may require more effort and code. Despite this, Matplotlib remains a foundational tool for anyone involved in Python data visualisation.

Installation Command:


Bokeh is a powerful library known for its ability to create interactive and highly engaging visualisations. Unlike Matplotlib, Bokeh is designed with interactivity in mind, making it ideal for creating dynamic dashboards and applications that allow users to interact with the data directly. 

Bokeh uses HTML and JavaScript to render its plots in modern web browsers, which means your visualisations can easily be embedded into web applications. One of Bokeh’s critical strengths is its support for real-time streaming data, which is essential for scenarios where data is constantly changing. 

Additionally, Bokeh’s tools for zooming, panning, and hovering over data points make it easy to explore data in greater detail. This library is handy for data scientists and developers who want to build interactive data exploration tools.

Installation Command:


Seaborn is a high-level data visualisation library built on top of Matplotlib. It is specifically designed to create aesthetically pleasing and informative statistical graphics. Seaborn has several built-in themes and colour palettes that help you create visually appealing plots with minimal effort. 

Its syntax is more concise and user-friendly than Matplotlib’s, allowing you to generate complex visualisations with just a few lines of code. Seaborn excels at creating advanced visualisations like heatmaps, violin plots, and pair plots, which are particularly useful for exploring relationships in your data. 

The library also simplifies visualising complex datasets by automatically handling the underlying statistical calculations. This makes Seaborn a popular choice for data scientists who must present their findings clearly and attractively.

Installation Command:

Must Check: Seaborn vs Matplotlib: A Comprehensive Comparison for Data Visualisation.


Plotly is another powerful data visualisation library that stands out for its ability to create highly interactive plots. What sets Plotly apart is its extensive range of chart types, including 3D plots, geographic maps, and contour plots. 

Plotly’s interactivity features, such as tooltips and zooming, allow users to explore data more effectively, making identifying patterns and anomalies in large datasets easier. One of Plotly’s key advantages is its flexibility and customisation options. 

You can tailor your visualisations to meet specific needs, whether working on a simple project or a complex dashboard. Plotly also integrates well with other data analysis libraries like Pandas, making it a versatile tool for any data science project.

Installation Command:

Data Visualisation in R 

R, a widely used programming language in data science, is mainly known for its robust capabilities in data visualisation. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced data scientist, R offers a variety of tools and libraries to create compelling visual representations of your data. 

This makes it a preferred choice for many when translating complex data into intuitive visual formats.

Famous R Libraries for Data Collection

Before diving into data visualisation, it’s essential to have robust tools for data collection. R offers several libraries that make gathering and manipulating data from various sources easier. Some of the most commonly used data collection libraries in R include:

  • Curl: This library is essential for making HTTP requests, allowing users to download data from the web efficiently. It’s beneficial for working with APIs or scraping data from online sources.
  • Crawler: As the name suggests, Crawler is used for web scraping, enabling users to extract data from websites automatically. This library is ideal for collecting large datasets from the web.
  • readxl: When working with Excel files, readxl is the go-to library. It simplifies reading data from Excel spreadsheets, making integrating external data into your R projects easier.
  • readr: This library is designed for quickly and efficiently reading rectangular data, such as CSV and TSV files. It’s widely used for importing data into R for further analysis.

These libraries are essential for collecting and preparing data before moving on to visualisation. They offer various functionalities that make data handling in R a seamless experience.

Once data collection is complete, the next step is visualisation. R provides various libraries catering to visualisation needs, from basic charts to interactive web applications. Some of the most popular visualisation libraries in R include:

  • ggplot2: ggplot2 is the most widely used R library for data visualisation. It allows users to create charts, including bar plots, scatter plots, and line graphs. One of the key features of ggplot2 is its flexibility. Additionally, it adheres to the grammar of graphics, making it easier to build complex plots layer by layer.
  • plotly: For those looking to add interactivity to their visualisations, plotly is an excellent choice. This library allows users to create interactive plots that can be embedded into web pages or shared with others. Plotly is particularly useful for exploring relationships between variables, as it enables dynamic interaction with the data.
  • Esquisse: Esquisse is a user-friendly library that allows users to create visualisations through a drag-and-drop interface. It’s an excellent tool for beginners or those who prefer a more interactive approach to data exploration. Esquisse simplifies creating plots, making it accessible even to those with minimal coding experience.
  • Shiny: Shiny takes data visualisation to the next level by allowing users to build interactive web applications directly from R. Shiny’s ability to turn R scripts into fully functional web applications makes it a powerful tool for data scientists looking to share their work with a broader audience.

Why is R used for Data Visualisation?

Why is R used for Data Visualisation?

R is a powerful tool for data visualisation. Data scientists and analysts use it to create compelling visual representations of complex datasets. Its versatility, efficiency, and specialised features make it a preferred choice for visualising data in various domains, from business analytics to scientific research. 

Here’s a closer look at why R is highly regarded for data visualisation.

Ease of Comprehension

One of the primary reasons R is favoured for data visualisation is its ability to create easily understandable graphics and charts. Unlike detailed reports or lengthy documents, visual representations like graphs and charts can convey complex information more quickly and effectively. 

This ease of comprehension allows a broader audience to understand the data insights, leading to better decision-making. R’s diverse visualisation libraries, such as ggplot2 and lattice, empower users to create customised and interactive graphics that capture the audience’s attention and promote the widespread use of business insights.

Efficiency in Displaying Information

Another significant advantage is R’s efficiency in displaying information. Decisions in business settings are often based on large datasets, so condensing information into a small, easily digestible format is crucial. R excels in this aspect by enabling users to display vast amounts of information in a compact and visually appealing manner. 

For example, complex business strategies and decisions, which might be challenging to understand in textual format, can be simplified through graphical representations in R. This efficiency saves time and enhances the clarity and effectiveness of the information being communicated.

Geographic Mapping and Location Insights

R stands out in its ability to incorporate geographic mapping and GIS (Geographic Information Systems) into data visualisation. These features allow businesses to analyse and visualise data based on location, providing valuable insights into regional trends, market behaviour, and the impact of geographical factors on business operations. 

By using maps to display business insights from different locations, companies can better understand the severity of issues and their underlying reasons. This capability makes R an invaluable tool for businesses that operate in multiple regions or need to make location-based decisions.

Comparing Python and R

While R is a specialised tool for data visualisation, it’s essential to understand how it compares to Python, another popular language in data science. The comparison can be made on several parameters, including syntax, operability, and data collection capabilities.


Python is widely praised for its simple and readable syntax, which makes it easy to learn and apply, especially for beginners. This simplicity extends to data science and visualisation tasks, where Python’s syntax remains straightforward and user-friendly. 

On the other hand, R, while similar to Python in many ways, can become more complex as users delve into advanced data analysis and visualisation tasks. R’s syntax is particularly tailored for statistical computing, which can be both an advantage and a drawback, depending on the user’s experience and the complexity of the task.

Operability and Ease of Use

Python’s operability is one of its key strengths. It is easy to use and efficient in handling data from local devices. This efficiency makes Python a versatile tool for data science, as it takes up less space and simplifies the task of accessing and processing data. Python’s integration with Google Colab further enhances its operability, especially when dealing large datasets. 

Colab allows users to execute Python code in the cloud, making it easier to work with extensive data volumes without overloading local resources. Additionally, Python’s compatibility with web application frameworks like JavaScript, HTML, and CSS allows for seamless deployment of data visualisation projects online.

In contrast, R operates through platforms like RStudio and Spyder, which are specifically designed for data analysis and visualisation. These platforms are equipped with features that make managing and visualising structured and unstructured data easier. 

R’s ability to break down complex data into smaller modules, perform calculations, and then piece them together to form a comprehensive visualisation is a significant advantage. This modular approach reduces the time and space required for data processing, making R an efficient tool for data visualisation.

Data Collection Capabilities

Regarding data collection, Python holds a slight edge over R due to its versatility. Python supports various data formats, including XML and CSV, and can easily fetch live data from websites or import SQL tables. This flexibility makes Python a more accessible choice for tasks that involve collecting and processing data from diverse sources.

In contrast, while powerful in data analysis and visualisation, R may not be as straightforward as Python when retrieving data from websites. However, R does offer robust data manipulation capabilities, mainly when working with structured data or datasets specifically designed for statistical analysis.  

Pros of Python

Pros of Python

Python is a popular programming language renowned for its versatility and user-friendly nature. Its advantages make it a top choice for both beginners and experienced developers. Here’s a closer look at some key benefits of Python:

  • Open Source and Easy to Learn: Python is an open-source language, meaning it’s freely available for anyone to use and modify. Its clean and readable syntax makes it accessible for beginners, enabling them to grasp programming concepts and quickly start coding with minimal hassle.
  • Seamless Web Integration: Python integrates smoothly with web applications. Its frameworks, such as Django and Flask, streamline the development process, allowing developers to build robust and scalable web solutions efficiently.
  • Supportive Community: Python boasts one of the most active and supportive programming communities. This vibrant network of developers provides valuable resources, forums, and troubleshooting assistance, making it easier for users to find solutions and learn from others.
  • Rich Library Ecosystem: Python offers many libraries and packages for data analysis, including NumPy, pandas, and scikit-learn. This extensive ecosystem simplifies complex data manipulation and analysis tasks, enhancing productivity and facilitating advanced data science projects. 

Cons of Python

While Python is widely praised for its readability and ease of use, it has some drawbacks, particularly in performance and resource utilisation. Depending on the application’s requirements, these cons can be crucial considerations.

  • Performance: Python is an interpreted language, making it slower than compiled languages like C++ or Java. This can be a significant disadvantage in scenarios where execution speed is critical, such as real-time systems or high-performance computing tasks.
  • Memory Usage: Python’s design often leads to higher memory consumption. The language’s dynamic nature and automatic memory management contribute to its increased memory footprint. This can be problematic in environments with limited resources or where efficiency is paramount.
  • Global Interpreter Lock (GIL): Python’s GIL restricts the execution of multiple threads within a single process, limiting the language’s ability to utilise multi-core processors fully. This can hinder performance in multi-threaded applications and parallel processing tasks.
  • Not Ideal for Mobile Development: Python is less commonly used for mobile app development compared to languages like Swift or Kotlin. This is due to its slower execution speed and higher memory usage, which can be limiting factors in mobile environments.

These factors highlight why Python might not be the best choice for all scenarios, especially those requiring high performance and low memory consumption.

Pros of R

Pros of R

R is a powerful programming language designed for statistical computing and data analysis. It excels in handling complex calculations and provides a rich ecosystem of packages and libraries tailored for advanced analytical tasks. Here’s why R stands out:

  • Complex Calculations: R is ideal for performing intricate mathematical operations. Its extensive collection of packages supports advanced analytical and statistical methods, making it a robust tool for data scientists and analysts.
  • Statistical Analysis: R is powerful in statistical analysis. It offers various functions and methods specifically designed for data analysis, making it a preferred choice for statisticians and researchers.
  • Specialised Libraries: The language features numerous libraries dedicated to statistical analysis and data manipulation. These libraries, such as ggplot2 for visualisation and dplyr for data manipulation, streamline and enhance the analysis process.
  • Analytical Visualisation: R provides excellent support for analytical visualisation. With packages like ggplot2 and lattice, users can create various plots and charts to communicate insights and results effectively.

R’s capabilities in complex calculations, statistical analysis, and visualisation make it a valuable asset for data professionals.

Cons of R

R has certain limitations that may affect its usability and integration. While R excels in many areas, it’s essential to be aware of its drawbacks to make an informed choice for your data-related projects.

  • Limited Web Integration: R lacks native support for embedding its functionalities directly into web applications. This means that developers must rely on additional tools or workarounds to integrate R-based analyses and visualisations into web-based platforms, which can be cumbersome and complex.
  • Performance Overhead: R can experience performance issues when handling large datasets or complex computations. Its memory management and speed may not match those of more optimised languages like Python, potentially leading to slower processing times.
  • Steep Learning Curve: R’s syntax and environment can be challenging to master for beginners. While powerful, its rich set of functions and packages may overwhelm new users, making the learning curve quite steep compared to other programming languages.
  • Limited GUI Tools: R’s Graphical User Interface (GUI) tools are not as developed or user-friendly as in other programming environments. This limitation can affect users who prefer a more intuitive and visually appealing interface for their data analysis tasks. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is data visualisation in Python?

Data visualisation in Python involves using libraries like Matplotlib, Seaborn, and Plotly to create graphical representations of data. These visualisations help identify trends, patterns, and insights, making complex data easier to understand and communicate.

How does R compare to Python for data visualisation?

R specialises in statistical analysis and offers robust libraries like ggplot2, making it excellent for creating complex visualisations. While versatile and user-friendly, Python excels in integration and web applications, offering libraries like Matplotlib and Plotly for effective data visualisation.

What are the key libraries for data visualisation in R?

Key libraries for data visualisation in R include ggplot2 for its flexibility and aesthetics, plotly for interactive plots, and Shiny for building web applications. These libraries enable users to create compelling visual representations of data, enhancing understanding and decision-making.

Summing It Up

R and Python have supporting libraries that assist in data analysis and visualisation. Picking up the best one can be challenging.

The programmer must pick the ideal programming language to visualise the data. To make this decision, the user must consider the data type. One can use histograms, line graphs, and other 2-D charts from Python if the data is continuous. However, when dealing with discrete data, you can consider using columns, pie charts and bars. 

R makes it easy with built-in functions. However, when it comes to scalability or visual representation, R does not allow this. To make the best decision, the user should have complete knowledge and expertise in both programming languages and their features.   

The above discussion would have given you a brief insight into Python and R programming languages. If you two want to learn more about Python, then Pickle.AI’s Python programming language course helps you understand it well.


  • Neha Singh

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    I’m a full-time freelance writer and editor who enjoys wordsmithing. The 8 years long journey as a content writer and editor has made me relaize the significance and power of choosing the right words. Prior to my writing journey, I was a trainer and human resource manager. WIth more than a decade long professional journey, I find myself more powerful as a wordsmith. As an avid writer, everything around me inspires me and pushes me to string words and ideas to create unique content; and when I’m not writing and editing, I enjoy experimenting with my culinary skills, reading, gardening, and spending time with my adorable little mutt Neel.