Artificial Intelligence Engineer

How to Become an Artificial Intelligence (AI) Engineer?

Summary: Discover how to become an AI Engineer: explore the role’s responsibilities, necessary skills like programming and data analysis, required education, certifications, and potential salary. Prepare for a career at the forefront of technology and innovation in Machine Learning and computer vision.


How to Become an Artificial Intelligence (AI) Engineer?: The demand for Artificial Intelligence (AI) Engineers is on the rise and continues to grow, with current estimations suggesting that the AI field will employ almost one million people by 2025. 

As the use of AI continues to expand, the demand for skilled professionals in the field is expected to increase substantially. If you’re wondering How to Become an AI Engineer, you’ve come to the right place! 

In this article, you’ll learn about the role of an AI Engineer, the skills that you need to succeed in this field, and how you can build a successful career in this exciting field. So let’s get started!

What Is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence is the science of making computers intelligent to perform tasks usually carried out by humans. It has become increasingly important with the rise of internet-connected devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and smart home devices.

These devices are equipped with intelligent sensors that collect various kinds of data, which are analysed and used to develop innovative new products and improve existing processes. For example, companies like Amazon use AI to enhance the shopping experience by helping shoppers find what they are looking for quickly and easily. 

Most modern businesses rely on some kind of technology to help them operate effectively, and AI has become an increasingly important component of that technology.

It is a branch of computer science that aims to develop computer programs capable of performing tasks typically performed by humans, such as decision-making or problem-solving. Examples of AI applications include chatbots, self-driving cars, and facial recognition software.

What Is Artificial Intelligence Engineering?

An Artificial Intelligence Engineer develops software applications that enable computer systems to perform tasks that humans usually carry out. They design and implement complex algorithms to help computers solve problems and make data-based decisions. 

Many AI Engineers specialise in a particular area of AI, such as Machine Learning (ML) or computer vision. They may also work on specific projects, such as designing new software for driverless cars. 

A bachelor’s degree in computer science is typically required to become an AI Engineer. In some cases, additional work experience may also be necessary to qualify for an Artificial Intelligence Engineer position.

What Does An Artificial Intelligence Engineer Do?

Artificial Intelligence Engineer

The job of an Artificial Intelligence Engineer varies widely depending on the area of specialisation. Some AI Engineers may focus on developing Machine Learning algorithms, while others may work on specific projects like natural language processing or image recognition. 

Some may also work on developing new software and systems computer companies use. Most AI Engineers work in offices or research facilities under the supervision of other IT professionals. Work hours are generally flexible to accommodate the demands of both employers and employees. 

Although the majority of AI Engineers work full-time, some may also choose to work part-time or freelance. 

Computer scientists with expertise in AI are particularly sought after by companies looking to develop new innovative products using the latest computer technology. As such, those with experience in this field often enjoy excellent job security and excellent earning potential.

AI Engineer Roadmap

To learn more about how to become an Artificial Intelligence (AI) Engineer, it is essential to use the AI Engineer roadmap. 

Also Read: Skills Required for Data Scientist: Your Ultimate Success Roadmap.


A bachelor’s degree in a computer-related field, such as computer science, information systems, or software Engineering, is usually required to become an AI Engineer. In addition to obtaining a degree, many AI Engineers also pursue graduate studies, which can help them better understand the latest advancements in the field and develop more advanced skills. 

In many cases, graduate-level study also helps students develop the skills they need to secure a job as an AI Engineer after graduation. It is important to note that some companies may require employees to obtain additional training before they are allowed to perform specific tasks, such as developing specialised software used in driverless cars.

Choosing The Right School

Many options are available to students interested in pursuing a career as an AI Engineer. However, choosing one that offers the right combination of affordability and quality is essential. It is also important to consider any speciality areas you are interested in and determine whether the school provides coursework. 

For example, you are interested in studying Deep Learning (DL) and neural networks. In that case, you should look for a school that offers this type of coursework. You should also ensure that it has the resources you will need to complete assignments and projects throughout the program, including access to computer labs and instructional materials. 

Finally, you should make sure that the school offers a high-quality curriculum that will prepare you for a career in AI.


You may also choose to pursue certification in the field. This may be especially helpful if your goal is to land a job at a large technology company or to work for a company that develops products related to self-driving cars. Certification can also be helpful if you hope to pursue a more senior position. 

By obtaining accreditation through a data analyst course online, you can demonstrate your proficiency with the latest developments in the field and your dedication to staying up-to-date on the latest trends and technology. Certification can also help you stand out when it comes time to apply for jobs. 

Moreover, a career transition to data science may also help you learn more about Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning and develop your career as an AI Engineer. 

Seeking Employment

After receiving your degree or completing your training, pursuing a career in the field is essential to help you gain the skills you need to advance. You may want to start by looking for a job in a small company that is engaged in research and development related to the AI field. 

This will allow you to work under the supervision of more experienced Engineers and learn more about the technologies involved in developing the various types of AI devices used today.

Must Read: 

Your Roadmap to Learn AI from Scratch 2024.

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Responsibilities Of An AI Engineer

Artificial Intelligence Engineer

The role of the Artificial Intelligence Engineer is to develop Machine Learning algorithms designed to improve a product or device’s performance. These algorithms are designed to perform tasks such as recognising patterns and identifying objects in an image. Other tasks include sorting data based on various criteria and predicting future events. 

Moreover, an AI Engineer can use Machine Learning algorithms for prediction, which is an efficient skill. The following are the primary responsibilities of an AI Engineer:

  • Analyse and design AI algorithms for use in computer vision systems, audio recognition systems, voice processing systems, and many other types of applications.
  • Develop and implement Machine Learning algorithms that improve a given application’s performance.
  • Collaborate with team members to design and develop fully functional prototypes for testing.
  • Create documentation that describes all aspects of a specific algorithm, including the design specifications of the hardware that will be utilised.
  • Conduct thorough testing of newly developed algorithms to ensure that they operate correctly.
  • Present research findings to company management to aid in advancing new products and technologies.
  • Build infrastructure for data ingestion and transformations.
  • Implement model training, evaluation, and deployment using ML/DL frameworks such as PyTorch, Caffe2, TensorFlow, etc.
  • Build AI models (e.g., neural networks) and deploy them on devices to process real-time data and generate insights with minimal latency.
  • Identify areas of improvement in the data collection process and propose solutions.

Skills Required For Artificial Intelligence Engineer

Understanding the Skills Required For Artificial Intelligence Engineers is crucial for navigating today’s tech landscape. These skills empower professionals to innovate in AI, driving advancements across industries from healthcare to finance. To become a successful AI Engineer, you must be skilled in several areas. Some of the most important skills include:

Technical Skills For Artificial Intelligence Engineer

Understanding the technical skills of an AI Engineer is crucial for navigating the complexities of Machine Learning, neural networks, and algorithm development. It will also help AI Engineers to excel in designing, implementing, and optimising AI algorithms. Here are the technical skills required to become an AI Engineer:

Maths skills: Many Machine Learning techniques are based on mathematical principles such as probability theory and calculus. Therefore, you need to have a strong foundation in these fields if you want to become a successful AI Engineer.

Programming skills: Most AI Engineers spend most of their time writing code and designing and implementing new algorithms. For this reason, you must have strong programming skills like Machine Learning algorithms in Python to become a successful AI Engineer.

Data analysis skills: A data scientist expected to have excellent analytical skills, as they play a leading role in any Machine Learning project.

Algorithms and frameworks: An extensive understanding of Machine Learning techniques and their implementation into practical models will help you become a successful AI Engineer.

Knowledge of computer science fundamentals: A deep knowledge of algorithms and data structures helps you analyse problems efficiently and effectively implement your solutions.

Soft Skills For Artificial Intelligence Engineer

Soft skills are crucial in every aspect of professional and personal life, and they are equally vital for AI Engineers in various situations. Understanding soft skills ensures AI Engineers can navigate complex projects, manage stakeholders, and adapt to evolving industry demands with finesse. Read about the soft skills given below:

Communication skills: Effective communication is a critical skill that every AI Engineer should possess. You should be able to convey complex ideas simply and clearly and present results to your managers and peers.

Teamwork skills: You will lead a team of data scientists in developing AI solutions. Therefore, you must possess excellent teamwork skills to effectively collaborate with your team and lead it to success.

Problem-solving skills: The ability to solve complex problems is one of the most essential skills every AI Engineer should possess. As a data scientist, you must identify significant issues and develop practical solutions to overcome these challenges.

Leadership skills: The role of a data scientist involves developing Machine Learning algorithms and implementing them in real-world applications. Therefore, you should be able to lead your team effectively to ensure that your AI solutions are of the highest quality and meet business needs.

Research skills: To stay current with the latest advancements in AI, you should always keep up to date with the latest news and research in this field. To do this, you should develop a solid research-oriented mindset that allows you to identify valuable data sources and develop efficient approaches to extract useful information from them.

Salary Of AI Engineer

Salary Of AI Engineer

According to Glassdoor’s 2019 survey on software Engineer salaries, an AI Engineer can expect to earn a median salary of Rs. 6.16 lakhs per annum in India, approximately USD 10,000 per year.

This figure is higher than the median salary of a software Engineer, Rs 4.87 lakh per annum or USD 7,500 per year in the US. The differences in pay can attributed to the fact that AI Engineers are in high demand in the US and India, and the companies are willing to pay them a high salary in return for their skills and expertise.

However, AI Engineers with over six years of experience earn the highest salaries in the field at Rs 17.22 lakhs per annum in India and USD 26,760 per year in the US. Experienced AI Engineers receive higher compensation due to their superior skills and advanced knowledge in various aspects of the field.

How Can You Build A Career In The Field Of AI?

Today, almost every organisation embraces emerging technologies like AI and big data to create better products and services and improve customer experience. Thus, there is a strong demand for skilled professionals with relevant knowledge and skills in these fields. 

The key to building a successful career in this field is acquiring the right skills and experience through meaningful training and creating a robust professional network to help you get hired for the most suitable job opportunity. Some of the professional job roles in the field of AI are as follows:

Data Scientist: A data scientist specialises in gathering and analysing large amounts of data using cutting-edge tools and methodologies to derive valuable insights from it. These insights can then improve processes and make better organisational decisions.

Machine Learning Engineer: Machine Learning enables computers to learn from experience and make predictions. In this role, you will work closely with data scientists to develop machine-learning solutions that can help solve real-world problems.

Analytics Engineer: Analytics is analysing data and identifying helpful information that can be used to make strategic decisions and improve business processes. As an analytics Engineer, you will be responsible for extracting actionable insights from data and developing automated solutions for analysing business performance.

DevOps Engineer: DevOps is a software development approach that combines development and operations teams to reduce development time and eliminate deployment issues. As a development Engineer, you will develop automation tools to streamline the development process and ensure a smooth workflow between the teams and stakeholders involved in a project.

Frequently Asked Questions

How To Become An AI And Machine Learning Expert?

To excel in AI and Machine Learning, grasp core concepts, design principles, and tools. Gain hands-on experience through projects, honing essential skills. Start with online data analyst courses, pivot into Data Science, or earn certifications to validate your expertise and launch a successful career in this dynamic field.

How Long Does It Take To Become An Expert In Machine Learning?

Depending on your computer science background, becoming a Machine Learning expert can span weeks to months. No universal shortcut exists; mastery demands substantial time and effort. Pickl.AI’s Data Science Courses empower industry professionals to excel in Machine Learning and data science, fostering expertise and career growth.

What Should I Learn First, Machine Learning Or AI?

Beginners should prioritise grasping fundamental Machine Learning concepts and techniques. This foundational knowledge enables practical problem-solving across diverse industries. Equally important is gaining hands-on experience applying these techniques to develop effective applications, ensuring adept utilisation in their projects.

What Is The Most Accessible Machine Learning Algorithm To Learn?

There are many different types of Machine Learning algorithms that you can learn depending on your specific area of interest. The most accessible ML algorithm you can learn is the linear regression model because it requires only basic maths skills and knowledge of computer programming to implement it successfully.

What Is The Relationship Between Machine Learning And AI?

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning intricately link. Integrative to AI systems, Machine Learning Algorithms empower computers to learn tasks through data analysis and rapid calculations. Properly utilised, these algorithms can produce lifelike robots, acting as virtual assistants or information providers for users.

 Parting Thoughts

To conclude this post, the field of Artificial Intelligence is rapidly expanding and expected to experience significant growth shortly. As a result, it is only natural that more and more people will start looking for work in this field to obtain a high-paying job and advance their careers. 

Everyone needs to know how to become an Artificial Intelligence (AI) Engineer to develop their skills and potential as professionals in the industry. An AI Engineer is likely to play a vital role in developing AI as it allows us to program computers to perform complex tasks that a human can do easily. 

Although it may not be for everyone, it is undoubtedly a great way to get an edge over other software developers interested in your career.


  • Asmita Kar

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