Data Science Competition

Data Science Competitions You Should Participate In

Data Science is a growing field and more and more people are emerging to take up Data Science as their career choice. While Data Science courses can be considered beneficial for development of conceptual knowledge, Data Science competitions help in skill development. But what are the Data Science competitions you should participate in? let’s find out from the blog!

Data Science Competition to advance your skills

Following are some of the Best Data Science competitions that you can participate in based on the eligibility criteria mentioned below. 

1. Machine Hack:

Machine Hack

Machine Hack is a platform that hosts machine learning competitions online. It gives real-world data sets and formulations of issues for users to solve using artificial intelligence methods. The challenges cover an extensive spectrum of topics and require participants to create predictive models and algorithms.

Host: These competitions are held effectively on the official website by Machine Hack

Eligibility: The Data Science competition hosted by the Machine Hack ensures to keep the website open for all the enthusiasts in Data Science. The motive is to ensure that they are able to upskill and win amazing rewards along with the chance to get placed in the top recruiting companies.

2. Kaggle:


Kaggle is a popular site for data science competitions. It provides a diverse set of challenges offered by businesses and organisations. The Kaggle tournaments include an extensive variety of disciplines, including picture categorization, text analysis, and time series forecasting, among others. Participants compete to create the most accurate algorithms and models of prediction for solving these challenges.

Host: the Data Science competition of Kaggle is hosted by Google and it challenges the participants in solving Data Science problems. Accordingly, the top performers eventually are suppose to receive scholarships and other prizes.

Eligibility: Data Science Competition of Kaggle includes everything from cooking to data mining and remains open for all.

3. Data Hack:

DataHack is a web-based platform that offers data science competitions and hackathons. It presents difficulties in machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and big data analysis. Participants in DataHack competitions have an opportunity to showcase their abilities and creative thinking in tackling real-world data difficulties.

Host: Analytics Vidhya is the host of the platform which is one of the largest communities of AI

Eligibility: the platform is significantly open for all allowing you to upskill and win rewards.

4. Code Lab:

Code Lab

Code Lab is a platform for hosting programming competitions and challenges. It covers a wide range of languages of programming and topics. Participants compete by solving coding issues, optimising algorithms, and showcasing their coding abilities.

Host: Codelab is the hosting platform for the competition.

5. Top Coder:


Topcoder is a popular programming competition platform. It organises algorithmic competitions and challenges aimed at effectively tackling complicated issues. Topcoder competitions include a wide range of topics, including Data Structure, algorithms, and optimisation.

Host: the host of the online platform is TopCoder that offers broader selection of Data Science.

Eligibility: all members of the TopCoder who are 18 years of age are eligible.

6. Driven Data:

Driven Data

DrivenData sponsors data science competitions aimed at addressing problems in society. These challenges range from public health to education and ecological stewardship. Participants use their data science talents to make a difference in society.

Host: The competition is sponsored by Hadopp World and the BigData Women’s Group.

Eligibility: All the registered participants for the competition can participate.

7. Bitgrit:


It is a platform for data science competitions and challenges. It gives participants access to actual datasets and problem descriptions. Bitgrit challenges include a wide range of topics, including banking, healthcare, and marketing, and allow competitors to put their data science knowledge to use.

Host: the competition is part of the NASA Tournament lab and NCBI, NCATS and NIH are the hosts of the competition.

8. AIcrowd:


AIcrowd is an online community for machine learning tournaments and challenges. Its primary goal is to provide an atmosphere of collaboration in which users can apply machine learning, artificial intelligence, and other approaches to tackle real-world challenges. AIcrowd challenges span an extensive spectrum of topics and inspire players to come up with creative solutions.

Host: the Open Science and Reproducible Research principles is the host of the competition and you can access it in the Data Science competition websites.

Eligibility: it is open for all and anyone who is interested from calculations to solving puzzles is eligible for the competition.


From the above blog it is clear that there are several competitions in Data Science therefore ensuring that you develop hands-on experience in the field. These Data Science competitions for beginners as well as the challenges faced by Data Scientists can be overcome, learning from this competition. The above-mentioned competitions are some of the best Data Science competitions.


  • Ayush Pareek

    Written by:

    I am a programmer, who loves all things code. I have been writing about data science and other allied disciplines like machine learning and artificial intelligence ever since June 2021. You can check out my articles at I have been doing my undergrad in engineering at Jadavpur University since 2019. When not debugging issues, I can be found reading articles online that concern history, languages, and economics, among other topics. I can be reached on LinkedIn and via my email.