Data Centric Consistency Model in Distributed Systems

Explore Data Centric Consistency Model in Distributed Systems

Summary: The Data-Centric Consistency Model ensures uniform data views across distributed nodes, handling consistency with models like Strong, Weak, and Eventual Consistency. It contrasts with Client-Centric models by focusing on global data consistency rather than individual client experiences.


In Data Science, distributed system is a collect of independent components located in different machines sharing messages to achieve common goals. Consistency Model is a set of rules that governs the behaviour within a distributed system. 

The consistency model in distributed system plays a key role in ensuring that the system is consisten and dependable in the face of computing facilities. There are different types of consistency model and each model has its own beneficial features. 

The following blog will work as a guide for you to know about Data Centric Consistency Model in distributed systems. 

Read Blogs: 

Understanding Consistency Protocols in Distributed Systems.

Data Replication: Ensuring Data’s Vitality in Distributed Systems.

What is Data Centric Consistency Model  in Distributed Systems? 

The Data-Centric Consistency Model in distributed systems defines how data is accessed and updated across multiple nodes, ensuring consistency despite concurrent operations. It focuses on maintaining a uniform view of data, crucial in systems where data is replicated across various locations.

In a data-centric model, consistency guarantees that all users see the same data, even if accessed from different nodes. This model encompasses several consistency levels, ranging from strict to eventual consistency. 

This model is vital for ensuring the reliability and accuracy of data in distributed systems, especially in applications like databases, cloud computing, and large-scale web services. By managing how data is replicated and accessed, the data-centric consistency model helps balance performance, availability, and consistency, tailoring solutions to specific use cases and system requirements.

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Difference Between Data-Centric and Client-Centric Consistency Models in Distributed Systems

In distributed systems, consistency models are crucial for ensuring that data remains accurate and reliable across multiple nodes. The two primary consistency models are data-centric and client-centric. Understanding the difference between these models is essential for designing systems that meet specific application needs, particularly in terms of data availability, latency, and user experience.

Data-Centric Consistency Model

The data-centric consistency model focuses on the system’s perspective, ensuring that all replicas of data across the distributed system remain consistent. It guarantees that every user, regardless of which node they access, sees the same data. This model includes several levels of consistency, such as strict, sequential, and eventual consistency.

Strict Consistency: In strict consistency, also known as linearizability, every read operation reflects the most recent write. This ensures that data is always up-to-date, but it can lead to higher latency and reduced availability in distributed environments.

Sequential Consistency: Sequential consistency relaxes the strict ordering requirement, allowing operations to be seen in the same order by all nodes but not necessarily in real-time. This balance improves performance while maintaining a consistent order of operations.

Eventual Consistency: Eventual consistency is the most relaxed form, where updates to replicas are not immediately visible. Instead, the system ensures that all nodes eventually converge to the same data state. This model is commonly used in large-scale, distributed systems like cloud services, where availability and partition tolerance are prioritized.

Client-Centric Consistency Model

The client-centric consistency model, on the other hand, focuses on the user or client’s experience. It aims to provide a consistent view of data for individual clients, even if different clients see different versions of the data at any given time. 

This model is particularly useful in mobile or geographically distributed environments where clients may frequently disconnect and reconnect to different nodes.

Monotonic Reads: Monotonic reads ensure that once a client reads a particular value, they will not see an older version in subsequent reads. This model provides a more predictable user experience, especially in systems where data is replicated across multiple locations.

Read Your Writes: In this model, a client is guaranteed to always see the results of their own writes, regardless of which node they interact with. This is important in applications where users expect immediate feedback on their actions.

Session Consistency: Session consistency maintains consistency within a single session. It ensures that during a session, a client sees a consistent view of data, even if they connect to different replicas.

Types of Data Centric Consistency Model

Data Centric Consistency Model in Distributed Systems

Data-centric consistency models are a set of principles and protocols that define how data is accessed and updated in a distributed system, ensuring that all nodes agree on the state of shared data. 

These models primarily focus on the consistency guarantees provided to clients regarding the data they access and manipulate. Let’s explore the most common data-centric consistency models in detail:

Strong Consistency Model

Strong consistency guarantees that once a write operation completes, all subsequent read operations will reflect that write. This model ensures that every read sees the most recent write, providing a sense of immediate consistency across the distributed system.


Immediate Visibility: After a write, all nodes reflect the update instantly.

Synchronization Point: Strong consistency often involves coordination between nodes to synchronize the data.

Performance Impact: Due to the need for strict coordination, strong consistency can lead to performance bottlenecks and reduced availability.

Use Cases:

Financial Systems: Where precise and up-to-date information is critical.

Transactional Systems: Requiring atomicity and consistency in transactions.

Weak Consistency Model

Weak consistency models provide minimal guarantees about the visibility of updates. They allow for more flexibility and can lead to higher performance and availability at the cost of potentially seeing stale or inconsistent data.


No Immediate Visibility: There’s no guarantee that a read operation will reflect the most recent write.

Reduced Coordination: Nodes do not need to synchronize immediately after updates.

Higher Performance: Generally results in better performance and availability compared to strong consistency.

Use Cases:

Cache Systems: Where performance is prioritized over immediate consistency.

User Preferences: Applications where minor inconsistencies are acceptable.

Eventual Consistency Model

Eventual consistency is a popular consistency model in distributed systems, particularly in systems that prioritize availability and partition tolerance. It ensures that if no new updates are made, eventually, all nodes in the system will converge to the same value.


Convergence: Given enough time without new updates, all replicas will eventually have the same data.

Asynchronous Updates: Updates propagate to different nodes asynchronously.

Guaranteed Consistency: While immediate consistency is not guaranteed, eventual consistency provides a strong guarantee of eventual convergence.

Use Cases:

NoSQL Databases: Systems like Amazon DynamoDB and Cassandra often use eventual consistency to handle large-scale distributed data.

Social Media Feeds: Where real-time updates are less critical than overall data consistency.

Causal Consistency Model

Causal consistency guarantees that operations that are causally related are seen by all nodes in the same order. It allows for more relaxed consistency than strong consistency but provides more meaningful guarantees than eventual consistency.


Preservation of Causal Relationships: Operations that are causally related are applied in the same order across all nodes.

Partial Synchronization: Only operations with causal relationships are synchronized, which can improve performance compared to strong consistency.

Improved Readability: Users see a more intuitive order of updates, which aligns with their expectations.

Use Cases:

Collaborative Applications: Where the order of changes is important, such as collaborative document editing.

Social Networks: Ensuring that updates related to the same interaction are seen in a consistent order.

Read-Your-Writes Consistency Model

Read-your-writes consistency ensures that once a write is acknowledged, any subsequent read by the same client will reflect that write. This model provides a guarantee to individual clients about their own writes.


Client-Specific Guarantee: Only guarantees consistency for operations performed by the same client.

No Global Synchronization: Does not guarantee that other clients will see the same data immediately.

Improved Client Experience: Ensures that clients do not see stale data after their own writes.

Use Cases:

User Accounts: Where users need to see their own changes immediately.

Shopping Carts: Ensuring that users see updates to their cart after adding or removing items.

Monotonic Reads and Writes Model

Monotonic reads and writes are consistency models that ensure that once a read operation returns a certain value, any future reads will return that value or a more recent one. Similarly, once a write is acknowledged, any future writes must be to a more recent value.


Monotonic Reads: Ensures that reads are monotonically increasing, meaning they do not regress to older values.

Monotonic Writes: Ensures that writes are applied in a monotonically increasing order.

Enhanced User Experience: Prevents users from seeing outdated data and ensures that changes are applied progressively.

Use Cases:

Online Shopping: Preventing users from seeing outdated prices or stock levels.

Collaborative Tools: Ensuring that users see the most recent state of shared data.

Further Check:

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Data-Centric Consistency Model?

A Data-Centric Consistency Model ensures that data across distributed nodes remains consistent, regardless of concurrent operations. It focuses on uniform data views and includes various consistency levels like strict, sequential, and eventual consistency.

How does the Data-Centric Consistency Model differ from Client-Centric?

The Data-Centric Model focuses on maintaining consistent data across all nodes, while the Client-Centric Model ensures consistency from the client’s perspective, like Read-Your-Writes, Monotonic Reads, and Session Consistency.

What are the types of Data-Centric Consistency Models?

Key types include Strong Consistency, Weak Consistency, Eventual Consistency, Causal Consistency, and Read-Your-Writes Consistency. Each model balances consistency, performance, and availability according to application needs.


From the above blog, you have been able to gain knowledge on Data Centric Consistency Model in a distributed system. As you come to know how data Centric Models are different from Client Centric Consistency Models, you learn the importance of both. 

Moreover, the Data Centric Model restricts the data storage on what can be stored therefore, ensuring complete privacy and authenticity of data. 

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  • Aishwarya Kurre

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