Principal Component Analysis in Machine Learning

A Guide to Principal Component Analysis in Machine Learning

Summary: Principal Component Analysis (PCA) in Machine Learning is a crucial technique for dimensionality reduction, transforming complex datasets into simpler forms while retaining essential information. This guide covers PCA’s processes, types, and applications and provides an example, highlighting its importance in data analysis and model performance.


In the exponentially growing world of Data Science and Machine Learning, dimensionality reduction plays an important role. One of the most popular techniques for handling large and complex datasets is Principal Component Analysis (PCA). 

Whether you’re an experienced professional or a beginner in Data Science, Principal Component Analysis in Machine Learning is essential. It has various applications, including data compression, feature extraction, visualisation, etc. The following blog will guide you in understanding PCA in Machine Learning with components and types. 

What is Principal Component Analysis in Machine Learning?

PCA is a widespread technique in Machine Learning and statistics used for dimensionality reduction and data compression. It allows you to transform high-dimensional data into a lower-dimensional space while retaining the original data’s most critical information or patterns.

The primary objective of PCA is to identify the principal components (also known as eigenvectors) that capture the maximum variance in the data. These principal components are orthogonal to each other, meaning they are uncorrelated and sorted in descending order of the variance they explain. The first principal component describes the most variance; the second one explains the second most variance, and so on.

Process of Principal Component Analysis 

PCA captures the maximum variance in the data by transforming the original variables into a new set of uncorrelated variables called principal components. The process involves several key steps, each crucial for achieving an effective data transformation.

Data Preprocessing

The first step in PCA is data preprocessing, which involves standardising or normalising the data. This step ensures that all features have the same scale, as PCA is sensitive to the scale of the features. For instance, if the dataset contains features with different units (e.g., weight in kilograms and height in centimetres), the feature with the larger scale could dominate the principal components. 

Standardisation involves subtracting and dividing the mean by the standard deviation for each feature, resulting in a dataset with a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one. This process ensures that each feature contributes equally to the analysis.

Covariance Matrix Calculation

Once you standardize the data, you calculate the covariance matrix. The covariance matrix captures the relationships between pairs of variables in the dataset. Precisely, the covariance between two variables measures how much they change together. 

A positive covariance indicates that the variables increase or decrease together, while a negative covariance indicates an inverse relationship. The diagonal elements of the covariance matrix represent the variance of each variable. This matrix serves as the foundation for identifying the principal components.

Eigenvalue Decomposition

With the covariance matrix in hand, the next step is to perform eigenvalue decomposition. This mathematical process decomposes the covariance matrix into its eigenvectors and eigenvalues. The eigenvectors, also known as principal components, represent the directions of maximum variance in the data. 

The corresponding eigenvalues indicate the amount of variance explained by each principal component. The eigenvectors define a new coordinate system, while the eigenvalues indicate how much of the original dataset’s variability each new axis captures.

Selecting Principal Components

After calculating the eigenvalues and eigenvectors, the next step is to select the principal components to retain. You then sort the eigenvectors in descending order of their corresponding eigenvalues. This sorting allows us to prioritise the principal elements that explain the most variance in the data. 

The choice of how many components to retain (denoted as KKK) depends on the desired level of explained variance. For example, one might retain enough components to explain 95% or 99% of the total variance. This decision balances dimensionality reduction with the preservation of meaningful information.

Projection onto Lower-Dimensional Space

The final step in PCA is projecting the original data onto the lower-dimensional space defined by the selected principal components. Transform the data points using the top K eigenvectors, resulting in a new dataset with reduced dimensionality, where each data point represents a combination of the principal components.

This transformed dataset can be used for various purposes, such as visualisation, data compression, and noise reduction. Limiting the number of input features also helps reduce multicollinearity and improve the performance of Machine Learning models.

Remember that PCA is a linear transformation technique, and it might not be appropriate for some nonlinear data distributions. In such cases, nonlinear dimensionality reduction techniques like t-SNE (t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding) or autoencoders may be more suitable.

Principal Component Analysis in Machine Learning Example 

Let’s walk through a simple example of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) using Python and the popular Machine Learning library, Scikit-learn. In this example, we’ll use the well-known Iris dataset, which contains measurements of iris flowers along with their species. We’ll perform PCA to reduce the data to two dimensions and visualise the results.

  • Import the Libraries 
  • Load the Iris Dataset and preprocess the data 
  • Perform PCA and select the number of principal components 
  • Visualise the reduced data 

The resulting scatter plot will show the data points projected onto the two principal components. Each colour corresponds to a different species of iris flowers (Setosa, Versicolor, Virginica). PCA has transformed the high-dimensional data into a 2D space while retaining the most essential information (variance) in the original data.

Remember that the principal component analysis example above uses a small dataset for illustrative purposes. In practice, PCA is most valuable when dealing with high-dimensional datasets where visualising and understanding the data becomes challenging without dimensionality reduction. 

You can adjust the number of principal components (here, 2) based on the specific use case and the desired variance to retain.

Application of Principal Component Analysis in Machine Learning

Principal Component Analysis

PCA is a versatile machine-learning technique vital to simplifying and optimising data analysis. By transforming a high-dimensional dataset into a smaller set of uncorrelated variables, known as principal components, PCA effectively reduces the dimensionality of data while retaining the most significant variance. 

This makes it an essential tool for feature extraction, where the primary principal component analysis application is identifying key features contributing to the dataset’s variability.

In practical Machine Learning applications, PCA is widely used for data visualisation, especially when dealing with complex datasets. By reducing the number of dimensions, PCA allows for more straightforward interpretation and visualisation, helping to reveal underlying patterns and relationships. 

This is particularly beneficial in exploratory data analysis, where understanding the structure and distribution of data is crucial.

Another critical principal component analysis application is in preprocessing steps, such as noise reduction and data compression. PCA filters out noise and irrelevant information by focusing on the most critical components, enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of Machine Learning models. 

This is particularly useful in applications like image and signal processing, where data can be highly complex and noisy.

Moreover, PCA improves the performance of Machine Learning algorithms like clustering and classification. PCA decreases computational complexity by reducing dimensionality, leading to faster and more efficient model training. 

In summary, PCA’s application in Machine Learning is invaluable for feature extraction, data visualisation, noise reduction, and overall performance enhancement, making it a cornerstone technique in the field.

Types of Principal Component Analysis

PCA helps transform high-dimensional data into a lower-dimensional space while preserving the essential information. There are various types or variants of PCA, each with its specific use cases and advantages. In this explanation, we’ll cover four main types of PCA:

Standard PCA

Standard PCA is the primary form of PCA widely used for dimensionality reduction. It involves finding the principal components by performing eigenvalue decomposition on the covariance matrix of the standardised data. 

The principal components are orthogonal to each other and sorted in descending order of variance explained. Standard PCA is effective when the data is linear, and the variance is well-distributed across the dimensions. However, it may not be suitable for highly nonlinear datasets.

Incremental PCA

Incremental PCA is an efficient variant of PCA that is particularly useful for handling large datasets that do not fit into memory. The whole dataset is required to compute the covariance matrix in standard PCA, making it computationally expensive for large datasets.

Incremental PCA, on the other hand, processes data in batches or chunks, allowing you to perform PCA incrementally. This way, it’s possible to reduce memory requirements and speed up the computation for massive datasets.

Kernel PCA

Kernel PCA is an extension of PCA that can handle nonlinear data distributions. It uses the kernel trick to implicitly transform the original data into a higher-dimensional space, where linear PCA can be applied effectively. 

The kernel function computes the dot product between data points in the higher-dimensional space without explicitly mapping them. This allows Kernel PCA to capture nonlinear relationships among data points, making it suitable for a broader range of datasets.

Sparse PCA

Sparse PCA is a variation of PCA that introduces sparsity in the principal components. In standard PCA, all elements contribute to each data point in the transformed space. However, in sparse PCA, only a small subset of components is selected to represent each data point, leading to a sparse representation. 

This can be useful for feature selection or when the data is thought to have only a few dominant features. Sparse PCA can lead to more interpretable and compact representations of the data.

Each type of PCA has strengths and weaknesses, and the choice of variant depends on the dataset’s specific characteristics and the problem at hand.

In summary, PCA is a versatile tool that allows us to reduce the dimensionality of data while preserving essential information. Standard PCA is effective for linear data distributions. Still, if the data is nonlinear or too large to fit in memory, we can turn to Incremental PCA or Kernel PCA. Additionally, Sparse PCA can provide more interpretable and compact representations by introducing sparsity in the principal components.

Before applying PCA or its variants, it’s essential to preprocess the data correctly, handle missing values, and consider the scale of the features. 

Additionally, the number of principal components to retain should be carefully chosen based on the amount of variance explained or the specific application requirements. PCA remains a fundamental Machine Learning and data analysis technique, offering valuable insights and simplification for complex datasets.

Read Blog: Understanding Data Science and Data Analysis Life Cycle.

Difference Between Factor Analysis & Principal Component Analysis

Factor Analysis (FA) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) are both techniques used for dimensionality reduction and exploring underlying patterns in data, but they have different underlying assumptions and objectives. Let’s explore the main differences between Factor Analysis and Principal Component Analysis:

Factor Analysis (FA)  Principal Component Analysis (PCA) 
Factor Analysis is a statistical model that assumes that the observed variables are influenced by a smaller number of latent (unobservable) variables called factors. These latent factors are the underlying constructs that explain the correlations among the observed variables. FA assumes that there is an error component in the observed variables, which is not explained by the factors. PCA is a mathematical technique that focuses on finding the orthogonal axes (principal components) that capture the maximum variance in the data. It does not make any assumptions about the underlying structure of the data. The principal components are derived solely based on the variance-covariance matrix of the original data.
The primary goal of Factor Analysis is to identify the latent factors that explain the observed correlations among the variables. FA ensures that we uncover the underlying structure or common factors that generate the observed data. Accordingly, it focuses on providing a meaningful and interpretable representation of data by explaining the shared variance through different factors.  The primary objective of PCA is to maximise the variance explained by each principal component. Its goal is to find a low-dimensional data representation while retaining as much volatility as possible. PCA does not focus on interpreting the various elements or their relationships to the source variables.
In factor analysis, the latent factors are allowed to be connected with one another. This method can identify shared information among the observed variables and accept the possibility that the components may be related. Factor Analysis provides a more adaptable and nuanced depiction of the connected patterns in the data by allowing for correlations between components.  The main components in PCA are orthogonal, demonstrating that they are uncorrelated. Although the orthogonality attribute makes component interpretation easier, it may not always accurately reflect the underlying structure of the data.
However, when researchers want to understand the latent variables that affect the observed data, they use factor analysis (FA). The social sciences and psychology frequently use this method to pinpoint the underlying theories that underlie observed attitudes or behaviours. PCA is extensively used for noise reduction, data preprocessing, and visualisation. Without explicitly modelling the underlying structure, it helps discover the data’s most important dimensions (or “principal components)”

Frequently Asked Question

What is Principal Component Analysis in Machine Learning?  

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) in Machine Learning is a technique used for dimensionality reduction. It transforms high-dimensional data into a lower-dimensional space, retaining the most critical information by identifying the principal components that capture the maximum variance in the data.

What are the types of Principal Component Analysis? 

The main types of Principal Component Analysis include Standard PCA, Incremental PCA, Kernel PCA, and Sparse PCA. Each type caters to different data structures and computational needs, such as handling large datasets, nonlinear relationships, or sparse data representations.

How is PCA applied in real-world scenarios?

PCA is widely used for data visualisation, feature extraction, and noise reduction. It helps simplify datasets, improve the performance of Machine Learning models, and reveal underlying patterns. For instance, PCA is used to preprocess data in image and signal processing applications.


The above blog provides you with a clear and detailed understanding of PCA in Machine Learning. Principal Component Analysis in Machine Learning helps you reduce the dimensionality of complex datasets. The step-by-step guide has covered all the essential requirements to help you learn about PCA effectively. 


  • Versha Rawat

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    I'm Versha Rawat, and I work as a Content Writer. I enjoy watching anime, movies, reading, and painting in my free time. I'm a curious person who loves learning new things.

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