power bi dax

Power BI DAX Tutorial for Beginners

Summary: This Power BI DAX tutorial introduces beginners to the fundamentals of Data Analysis Expressions, including syntax, functions, and context. It covers creating measures and calculated columns, using aggregate functions, and applying time intelligence for advanced Data Analysis.


In the world of Business Intelligence, Power BI is a leading tool for Data Analysis and visualization. At the heart of Power BI’s analytical capabilities is DAX (Data Analysis Expressions), a powerful formula language that allows users to create custom calculations and measures. This tutorial is designed for beginners, providing a comprehensive introduction to DAX and its applications in Power BI.

What is DAX?

DAX is a collection of functions, operators, and constants used in formulas to calculate and return values. It is essential for creating new insights from existing data models in Power BI. If you have experience with Excel formulas, you will find DAX familiar and intuitive.

Key Takeaways

  • Master DAX Basics for Enhanced Analysis
  • Use DAX to Create Custom Calculations and Measures
  • Apply Aggregate Functions for Data Summarization
  • Leverage Time Intelligence for Dynamic Insights
  • Enhance Reports with Advanced DAX Calculations

Why Learn DAX?

Learning DAX is crucial for unlocking the full potential of Power BI. It enables you to perform complex Data Analysis tasks, such as calculating growth percentages across different categories or analysing year-over-year trends. DAX formulas help solve real-world business problems by providing actionable insights from your data.

Basic DAX Concepts

In the world of Business Intelligence, DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) is a powerful formula language used in Power BI to create custom calculations and measures. Understanding the basic concepts of DAX is essential for unlocking its full potential. Here are the fundamental elements you need to grasp:


DAX syntax refers to the structure and elements used in writing formulas. It includes functions, operators, and constants that are combined to perform calculations. Familiarity with Excel formulas can help, but DAX syntax is unique in its application to data model.


These are predefined formulas that perform specific calculations using arguments. They are categorized into various types, such as:

  • Date and Time Functions: Useful for time-based analysis, e.g., YEAR, MONTH, DATE.
  • Time Intelligence Functions: Allow dynamic calculations over time, e.g., SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR.
  • Logical Functions: Used for conditional logic, e.g., IF, AND, OR.
  • Aggregate Functions: For summing, averaging, or counting data, e.g., SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT.


Context in DAX refers to the current row or filter being evaluated. Understanding context is crucial for creating effective measures and calculated columns. The CALCULATE function is used to modify the context in which a calculation is performed.

Measures and Calculated Columns

  • Measures: These are calculations that run across your data model, useful for aggregating values like sums or averages.
  • Calculated Columns: New columns added to your data model based on DAX formulas, useful for deriving new data points from existing ones.

Example: Using DAX Functions

Let’s create a measure to calculate the total sales for a specific region using the CALCULATE function:

the code to use the CALCULATE function

This formula filters the sales data to only include transactions from the North region.

Example 1: Creating a Simple Measure in Power BI Using DAX

Creating a simple measure in Power BI using DAX is a fundamental step in Data Analysis. Measures are calculations that run across your data model, allowing you to sum values, count rows, or perform more complex calculations. Here’s how to create a measure to calculate the total sales from a dataset.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Open Power BI Desktop and load your data. Ensure that your dataset includes a table with a column for sales amounts.
  2. Go to the Modeling Tab in Power BI. This tab provides tools for creating and managing measures and calculated columns.
  3. Click on “New Measure.” This will open a formula bar where you can enter your DAX formula.
  4. Enter the DAX Formula:
  1. This formula uses the SUM function to add up all the values in the “Amount” column of your “Sales” table.
  2. Name Your Measure: In the formula bar, you can name your measure. For example, you might name it “Total Sales.”
  3. Click Enter to apply the formula. Your new measure will now be available in the Fields pane under the table where you created it.

Explanation of the Formula

  • SUM Function: This is an aggregate function used to calculate the total of a column.
  • Sales[Amount]: This refers to the “Amount” column in your “Sales” table. The syntax Table[Column] is used to specify the column you want to sum.

Example Use Case

Suppose you have a dataset with the following sales amounts:

the dataset of sales amount

Using the formula Total Sales = SUM(Sales[Amount]), the result would be:

Total Sales=100+200+300+400=1000Total Sales=100+200+300+400=1000

Tips for Beginners

  • Use the AutoComplete Feature: As you type in the formula bar, Power BI will suggest functions and column names, helping you avoid typos.
  • Test Your Measures: After creating a measure, use it in a table or chart to ensure it’s working as expected.

Example 2: Using Aggregate Functions in DAX

Aggregate functions in DAX are powerful tools for summarising and analysing data in Power BI. These functions allow you to perform calculations such as summing, averaging, counting, and finding maximum or minimum values across your dataset. Here’s how to use some of the most common aggregate functions in DAX:

SUM Function

The SUM function calculates the total of numerical values within a specified column or expression. It is commonly used for aggregating sales figures, revenue, quantities, or any other numerical data.

Example Formula: code for SUM formula

This formula sums up all the values in the “Amount” column of your “Sales” table.

AVERAGE Function

The AVERAGE function computes the arithmetic mean of numerical values within a specified column or expression. It is useful for determining the typical value or central tendency of a dataset.

Example Formula:

code for AVERAGE Function

This formula calculates the average price of products in your dataset.

COUNT Function

The COUNT function tallies the number of non-blank values within a specified column or expression. It is invaluable for determining the cardinality or frequency of occurrences within a dataset.

Example Formula

formula of COUNT Function

This formula counts the number of unique customer IDs in your dataset.

MAX and MIN Functions

These functions identify the maximum and minimum values within a specified column or expression, respectively. They are instrumental for identifying outliers, extreme values, or boundary conditions within datasets.

Example Formulas

formula of MAX and MIN Functions

These formulas find the highest and lowest sales amounts in your dataset.


The DISTINCTCOUNT function counts the number of unique values in a column. It is useful for determining the variety of items or categories in your dataset.

Example Formula


This formula counts the number of unique product names in your dataset.

Practical Use Case

Suppose you have a dataset with sales data for different regions. You want to calculate the total sales, average sales per region, and the number of regions.

  1. Total Sales: Total Sales = SUM(Sales[Amount]).
  2. Average Sales per Region: Average Sales per Region = AVERAGE(Sales[Amount]).
  3. Number of Regions: Number of Regions = COUNT(DISTINCT Sales[Region]).

Advanced DAX Concepts

As you progress in using DAX for Data Analysis in Power BI, understanding advanced concepts becomes crucial for creating complex calculations and models. Here are some key advanced DAX concepts that can enhance your analytical capabilities:

Iterator Functions

Iterator functions in DAX, such as SUMX, AVERAGEX, and MAXX, allow you to perform calculations over a table by iterating over each row. These functions are particularly useful for complex operations where context is essential.

Example Formula:

 AVERAGE Function

This formula calculates the average discount per transaction by iterating over the “Sales” table.

CALCULATE Statement with Modifiers

The CALCULATE function is a powerful tool for manipulating the filter context in which a calculation is performed. It can be used with modifiers like ALL, FILTER, and KEEPFILTERS to change the context dynamically.

Example Formula:


This formula calculates the sales for the current year by filtering the dates table.

Time Intelligence Functions

Time intelligence functions in DAX enable dynamic calculations over time, such as calculating year-over-year changes or same-period-last-year comparisons. Functions like SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR and PREVIOUSYEAR are commonly use.

Example Formula:


This formula calculates the year-over-year growth in sales.

Calculated Tables

Calculated tables entirely generate by DAX and can use to support complex analytics scenarios. They are useful for creating temporary data structures that can use in reports without affecting the original data model.

Calculate Tables

This formula creates a calculated table showing the top 10 products by sales.

Relationship Functions

Relationship functions in DAX allow you to manipulate and analyse data across related tables. Understanding how to use these functions is crucial for creating robust data models.

Example Formula:

CALCULATE Function for Sales

This formula calculates sales related to another table through a defined relationship.


DAX is a powerful tool for Data Analysis in Power BI, enabling users to create complex calculations and insights. By mastering DAX, you can unlock the full potential of Power BI and drive business decisions with data-driven insights.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is DAX Used for In Power BI?

DAX used to create custom calculations and measures, enhancing Data Analysis capabilities in Power BI.

How Does DAX Differ from Excel Formulas?

While similar, DAX is design for data models and offers more advanced functions for complex Data Analysis.

What are the Benefits of Learning DAX?

Learning DAX allows you to perform advanced Data Analysis, solve business problems, and maximize the potential of Power BI.


  • Neha Singh

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    I’m a full-time freelance writer and editor who enjoys wordsmithing. The 8 years long journey as a content writer and editor has made me relaize the significance and power of choosing the right words. Prior to my writing journey, I was a trainer and human resource manager. WIth more than a decade long professional journey, I find myself more powerful as a wordsmith. As an avid writer, everything around me inspires me and pushes me to string words and ideas to create unique content; and when I’m not writing and editing, I enjoy experimenting with my culinary skills, reading, gardening, and spending time with my adorable little mutt Neel.

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