How Python Became The Language for Data Science?

Summary: Python’s rise to data science stardom stems from its user-friendly nature. Its clear syntax is beginner-friendly, and its extensive libraries like NumPy and Pandas offer powerful tools for data manipulation and analysis.  A large, active community provides support and resources, while Python’s versatility allows Data Scientists to tackle various tasks beyond core analysis.


The world is swimming in data. From social media interactions and financial transactions to scientific research and weather patterns, information is being generated at an unprecedented rate. This data holds immense potential, but unlocking its secrets requires a powerful tool: Data Science.

What is Data Science?

Python in data science

Data Science is a multidisciplinary field that combines statistics, programming, and domain knowledge to extract insights and knowledge from data. Data Scientists are the alchemists of the digital age, transforming raw data into actionable intelligence that can be used to solve problems, optimise processes, and make data-driven decisions.

The demand for Data Science expertise is booming across industries. According to Indeed, data scientist jobs have grown by over 344% in the past five years. This surge reflects the increasing recognition of data as a strategic asset for businesses of all sizes.

Enter Python, the programming language that has become synonymous with Data Science. Even if you’re new to coding, Python offers a compelling case for why it should be your weapon of choice in this data-driven revolution.

Why Python?

Python is often lauded as one of the most beginner-friendly programming languages. Its syntax is clear, concise, and reads almost like plain English. This makes it easier to learn and write code compared to languages with complex punctuation or cryptic symbols. Imagine writing code that feels more like writing instructions than solving a puzzle!

Here are just a few reasons why Python is ideal for beginners:

Easy to Learn

Python’s syntax is known for being clear and concise, making it much easier to learn compared to other programming languages. This is a big advantage, especially for those who are new to programming or coming from a different field.

Extensive Libraries

It boasts a rich ecosystem of libraries specifically designed for data science tasks. Libraries like NumPy, Pandas, and SciPy provide powerful data manipulation, analysis, and visualisation tool.

Large Community

With its popularity, Python has a vast and active community of data scientists. This means there’s an abundance of resources available online, from tutorials and documentation to forums where you can get help with any problems you encounter.


Python is not just for data science. It’s a general-purpose language that can be used for web development, scripting, and various other applications. This flexibility makes it a valuable asset for any data scientist’s skill set.


Python code can run on different operating systems like Windows, Mac, and Linux without needing modifications. This makes collaboration and sharing code among data scientists much easier.

10 Reasons to Choose Python for Your Next Web Development Project

Python in data science

But Python’s power extends far beyond Data Science. This versatile language is also a popular choice for web development. Python’s frameworks like Django and Flask allow you to build robust and scalable web applications. Here are 10 reasons why you should be choosing Python programming language:


Python’s syntax is known for being clear and easy to read, even for those new to programming. This allows developers to focus on the logic of their application rather than complex syntax rules.

Rapid Development

Its simplicity and readability contribute to faster development times. This is especially beneficial for projects with tight deadlines or for prototyping ideas quickly.

Rich Ecosystem of Frameworks

Python programming language offers a wide range of web frameworks like Django and Flask, which provide pre-built structures and functionalities to streamline the development process.


It is a general-purpose language that can handle various web development aspects beyond just the backend. It can be used for data analysis, automation tasks, and even machine learning integration if needed.

Large and Active Community

Its popularity translates to a vast community of developers. This means there’s an abundance of online resources, tutorials, and forums for troubleshooting and finding solutions.

Extensive Libraries

Python has a comprehensive standard library along with numerous third-party libraries specifically designed for web development tasks. These libraries offer pre-written code for common functionalities, saving developers time and effort.


Python-based applications can be easily scaled to accommodate growing user bases and traffic. Frameworks like Django provide features to handle complex web applications efficiently.

Cross-Platform Compatibility

You can easily run Python code on different operating systems without modifications. This makes development and deployment across various environments much smoother.


Being open-source, Python itself is free to use. Many popular web frameworks and libraries are also open-source, reducing development costs.

Maturity and Stability

Python is a well-established language with a long history of use in web development. This translates to a stable and reliable foundation for your web projects.

Web Scraping with Python

Web scraping involves extracting data from websites. Python excels in this area with libraries like Beautiful Soup and Scrapy. These libraries help you navigate website structures, parse HTML elements, and extract the specific data you need.

This can be incredibly useful for tasks like gathering market research data, tracking competitor pricing, or building data sets for analysis.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is Python Used in Data Science?

There are several reasons why Python reigns supreme in the Data Science realm:

  • Powerful Libraries: Python boasts a rich ecosystem of Data Science libraries like NumPy, pandas, SciPy, and Matplotlib. These libraries provide pre-built functions for data manipulation, statistical analysis, visualisation, and machine learning.
  • Rapid Prototyping: Python’s simplicity and focus on readability make it ideal for rapid prototyping. Data scientists can quickly test and iterate on their ideas without getting bogged down in complex coding.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Python applications can run on different operating systems (Windows, Mac, Linux) without modification. This ensures collaboration and sharing of code across platforms.
  • Active Community: Python has a large and active community of data scientists and developers. This translates to ample resources, tutorials, and forums to help you find solutions and answers to your questions. 

How to Use Python to Loop Through HTML Tables and Scrape Tabular Data?

While the specifics may vary depending on the website structure, here’s a general approach to scraping tabular data using Python:

  1. Import Libraries: Begin by importing necessary libraries like Beautiful Soup and pandas.
  2. Fetch the Webpage: Use libraries like requests to retrieve the HTML content of the webpage containing the table.
  3. Parse the HTML: Beautiful Soup helps you parse the HTML content and identify the table element.
  4. Extract Data: Loop through the table rows and columns, extracting the data you need and storing it in a pandas DataFrame.
  5. Save or Export: You can then save the extracted data as a CSV file or use it within your Python code for further analysis.

This is a simplified explanation, but it highlights how Python libraries can simplify complex web scraping tasks.

How is Python Used for Data Science?

Python plays a central role in every stage of the Data Science workflow:

  • Data Acquisition: Python helps in scraping data from websites, reading data from databases, and accessing data from APIs.
  • Data Cleaning and Preprocessing: Python libraries can efficiently handle tasks like handling missing values, identifying and correcting inconsistencies, and transforming data into a format suitable for analysis.
  • Data Analysis: Leverage Python’s statistical capabilities to perform calculations, explore relationships between variables, and identify patterns within the data. Libraries like SciPy and pandas provide powerful tools for statistical analysis and data manipulation.
  • Data Visualisation: Python shines in creating clear and informative data visualisations. Libraries like Matplotlib and Seaborn allow you to create various charts and graphs to effectively communicate insights from your data analysis.
  • Machine Learning: Python is a powerhouse for machine learning. Libraries like scikit-learn offer a wide range of algorithms for tasks like classification, regression, clustering, and more. This empowers data scientists to build predictive models that can uncover hidden patterns and make data-driven predictions.

Why Python is the Key to Unlocking Your Data Science Potential

Python’s combination of beginner-friendliness, powerful libraries, vast community, and versatility makes it the undisputed king of Data Science. Whether you’re a seasoned programmer or just starting your Data Science journey, Python provides the perfect foundation to build your skills and become a data alchemist. 

Ready to Take Control of Your Data Destiny?

Enrolling in Pickl.AI’s Data Science program equips you with the skills and knowledge to navigate the exciting world of Data Science. Our comprehensive curriculum combines the power of Python with industry-relevant tools and techniques to help you transform raw data into actionable insights.

Don’t let data overwhelm you. Take charge and unlock its potential with Python and Pickl.AI‘s Data Science program. Enroll today and embark on your Data Science adventure!


  • Asmita Kar

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