Learn How to Make and Use Pivot Table in Excel

Learn How to Make and Use Pivot Table in Excel

Summary: Pivot tables in Excel are powerful tools for summarising and analysing large datasets. By arranging data in a tabular format, pivot tables allow users to quickly identify patterns, trends, and relationships within the data. With just a few clicks, pivot tables enable users to generate reports, perform calculations, and gain valuable insights, making Data Analysis more efficient and effective.


Pivot tables in Excel are powerful tools for summarising and analysing large data sets quickly. Using a pivot table in Excel allows you to effortlessly reorganise, group, and filter your data to gain valuable insights. Understanding how to use a pivot table in Excel will enable you to quickly transform raw data into meaningful reports, highlighting trends and patterns. 

Learning to make a pivot table in Excel empowers you to streamline Data Analysis, saving time and improving accuracy. Whether you track sales performance or financial metrics, mastering pivot tables can significantly enhance your data management skills.

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Understanding Pivot Tables

A pivot table is a powerful Excel tool that helps you efficiently summarise, analyse, and present data. It allows users to quickly transform large datasets into meaningful insights by rearranging data dynamically. At its core, a pivot table is a versatile reporting tool that organises and consolidates data to reveal trends and patterns.

Key components of a pivot table include rows, columns, values, and filters:

  • Rows: These display data items horizontally and group similar information, providing context for analysis.
  • Columns: These arrange data items vertically and help segment data into categories or periods.
  • Values: This section aggregates numerical data, such as sums or averages, to provide insights based on your chosen metrics.
  • Filters: Filters allow you to focus on specific data subsets by excluding irrelevant information and refining your analysis.

By dragging and dropping these components into designated areas, users can customise their pivot tables to answer various analytical questions and produce comprehensive reports effortlessly.

How to Create a Pivot Table?

Creating a pivot table in Excel can transform complex data into a clear, summarised view. Follow this step-by-step guide to make a pivot table effectively:

Selecting Your Data Range

Begin by organising your data in a tabular format, ensuring each column has a clear header. Excel requires this structure to create an accurate pivot table. Click on any cell within your data range. Excel will automatically recognise the boundaries of your data. 

To manually adjust, select the entire range of data you want to analyse, including headers. Ensure that all relevant data is included for larger datasets to avoid incomplete analysis.

Inserting a Pivot Table

With your data range selected, navigate to the “Insert” tab on the Excel ribbon. Click on the “PivotTable” button in the Tables group. A dialog box will appear, showing your selected range. Confirm that the range is correct. Excel offers two main options for placing your pivot table: in a new worksheet or an existing one.

For a clearer view and better organisation, choose “New Worksheet.” This option places the pivot table on a separate sheet, minimising clutter and making it easier to focus on your analysis. Click “OK” to proceed.

Choosing the Location for the Pivot Table

After selecting the location, Excel will insert a blank pivot table and display the PivotTable Fields pane on the right side of your screen. This pane is crucial for building and customising your pivot table. 

Drag and drop fields from your data into the four areas of the PivotTable Fields pane: Rows, Columns, Values, and Filters. Each area serves a specific purpose:

  • Rows: Define the categories or groupings along the rows.
  • Columns: Specify the categories for columns.
  • Values: Determine the data to summarise or calculate.
  • Filters: Apply filters to refine your data.

For example, if you’re analysing sales data, you might drag “Product Category” into the Rows area and “Sales Amount” into the Values area. This setup summarises sales figures by product category.

Customise further by clicking on the pivot table to reveal the ribbon’s PivotTable Analyze and Design tabs. Use these tabs to adjust the table’s layout, style, and functionality.

By following these steps, you can efficiently create and configure a pivot table in Excel, making your Data Analysis more streamlined and insightful.

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Customising Pivot Tables

Customising pivot tables in Excel allows you to tailor your Data Analysis to meet specific needs. Here’s how to effectively manage fields, sort and filter data, and group information for deeper insights.

Adding and Removing Fields

To begin customising your pivot table, decide which fields you need first. Drag and drop fields from the PivotTable Field List into the Rows, Columns, Values, or Filters areas. Adding fields will help you break down and analyse data from different perspectives. 

Conversely, remove unnecessary fields by dragging them out of the PivotTable Field List. This adjustment simplifies your pivot table and focuses your analysis on relevant data.

Sorting and Filtering Data

Once your fields are set up, sorting and filtering help you manage large datasets more effectively. To sort data, click the drop-down arrow in the row or column labels. You can sort in ascending or descending order, making it easier to identify trends or anomalies. 

For filtering, use the drop-down arrows next to field names to select specific criteria. This feature allows you to display only the data that meets your conditions, such as viewing sales figures for a particular region or time frame.

Grouping Data for Better Analysis

Grouping data further refines your analysis by organising it into meaningful categories. To group data, right-click on a field in the pivot table and select “Group.” For instance, you can group dates by months or years to observe patterns. 

Similarly, you can group numerical data into ranges, such as sales figures, into low, medium, and high brackets. This functionality helps you summarise large amounts of data and quickly identify critical insights.

By mastering these customisation techniques, you enhance the power of pivot tables, making your Data Analysis efficient and insightful.

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Advanced Pivot Table Features

This section delves into three key advanced features: using calculated fields and items, creating pivot charts for visual representation, and applying pivot table styles and formatting. Mastering these elements will elevate your pivot table skills and provide deeper insights into your data.

Using Calculated Fields and Items

Calculated fields and items enhance the power of pivot tables by allowing users to perform custom calculations. To add a calculated field, go to the “Analyze” tab, click on “Fields, Items, & Sets,” and select “Calculated Field.” Here, you can define your formula using existing fields. 

For example, if you want to calculate the profit margin, create a calculated field with the formula (Sales – Costs) / Sales. Similarly, calculated items enable you to calculate data within a single field. Use this feature to compute values like average monthly sales directly within your pivot table, streamlining complex analysis tasks.

Creating Pivot Charts for Visual Representation

Pivot charts offer a dynamic way to visualise the data summarised in pivot tables. To create one, select your pivot table first, navigate to the “Insert” tab and choose “PivotChart.” Excel provides various chart types, such as bar, line, and pie charts. 

Pivot charts automatically update as you modify your pivot table, making tracking trends and spot insights easier. For instance, a pivot chart can visually represent sales trends over time or compare sales performance across different regions, enhancing data interpretation and presentation.

Applying Pivot Table Styles and Formatting

Styling and formatting pivot tables improve readability and presentation. Access formatting options from the “Design” tab to choose from predefined styles or customise your own. You can modify font sizes, apply colour schemes, and adjust borders to make key data stand out. 

Conditional formatting highlights essential data points, such as the highest sales figures or lowest profits. Proper styling makes your pivot table more attractive and helps effectively communicate insights to stakeholders.

Utilise these advanced features to maximise the effectiveness of your pivot tables, making Data Analysis more intuitive and impactful.

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How to Use a Pivot Table in Excel?

How to Use a Pivot Table in Excel?

Pivot tables are versatile tools that streamline Data Analysis and reporting, making them invaluable for various applications. Here are some common use cases where pivot tables excel:

Analysing Sales Data

Pivot tables are essential for sales Data Analysis, allowing businesses to gain deep insights into their performance. Users can quickly summarise sales figures, track revenue trends, and identify top-performing products or regions. For instance, a sales manager can create a pivot table to analyse monthly sales data by region and product category. 

This analysis helps understand which products drive the most revenue and which regions are underperforming. By applying filters and sorting options, users can drill down into specific data points, making it easier to identify patterns and make informed decisions to boost sales performance.

Summarising Financial Reports

Financial reports often involve complex datasets that require careful summarisation. Pivot tables simplify this process by aggregating data into easily digestible formats. For example, an accountant can use a pivot table to summarise expenses across different departments and fiscal periods. 

Users can quickly calculate total expenditures by arranging data into rows and columns, comparing budget vs. actual spending, and analysing variances. This level of summarisation not only accelerates the reporting process but also enhances accuracy by minimising manual calculations. Financial professionals rely on pivot tables to create comprehensive strategic planning and economic forecasting reports.

Tracking Project Progress

Project management involves tracking metrics such as task completion, resource allocation, and project milestones. Pivot tables offer a powerful way to monitor and analyse project progress. Project managers can use pivot tables to consolidate data from different sources, such as task lists, timelines, and resource usage. 

By organising this data, managers can quickly assess project status, identify bottlenecks, and allocate resources more effectively. 

For example, a pivot table can display the number of tasks completed by each team member, the time spent on different project phases, and any delays in the schedule. This visibility helps project managers stay on top of their projects, ensuring timely completion and adherence to budget.

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Best Practices for Effective Pivot Table Use

Using pivot tables efficiently can transform how you analyse and present data in Excel. To ensure you maximise their potential, follow these best practices:

  • Organise Your Data: Before creating a pivot table, make sure your data is clean and well-structured. Use headers for each column and avoid empty rows or columns. This organisation helps Excel recognise data categories effectively.
  • Use Clear Field Names: Give your data fields descriptive names. This clarity simplifies dragging and dropping fields into the pivot table, making your analysis more intuitive.
  • Filter Data Wisely: Apply filters to focus on specific data subsets. This approach helps you avoid overwhelming amounts of information and keeps your analysis relevant.
  • Group Data Logically: Use grouping features to consolidate similar data. For instance, group dates by month or year to streamline time-based analysis.
  • Refresh Data Regularly: Keep your pivot tables updated by refreshing them after data changes. This ensures your analysis reflects the most current information.
  • Leverage Pivot Charts: Enhance your pivot table insights with pivot charts. They visually represent your data, making trends and patterns easier to identify.

Following these practices can create more efficient and insightful pivot tables, turning raw data into actionable information.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Creating pivot tables in Excel can significantly enhance Data Analysis, but it’s easy to make mistakes that undermine their effectiveness. To ensure you get accurate and valuable results, be mindful of these common pitfalls:

  • Using Incomplete Data Ranges: Always verify that your data range includes all relevant data. Leaving out rows or columns can lead to incomplete or misleading pivot table results.
  • Ignoring Data Consistency: Ensure your data is clean and consistent before creating a pivot table. Inconsistent formats or missing values can distort the analysis.
  • Overloading with Fields: Avoid adding too many fields to the pivot table, making it cluttered and difficult to interpret. Focus on the most relevant data to keep your table clear and insightful.
  • Neglecting Refreshing Data: Refresh your pivot table when your source data changes. Failure to do so can result in outdated information being displayed.
  • Misusing Aggregation Functions: Choose the correct aggregation function (e.g., Sum, Average) based on your analysis needs. Misapplying these functions can lead to incorrect conclusions.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can maximise the effectiveness of your pivot tables and ensure they provide accurate, actionable insights.


Pivot tables in Excel are essential tools for Data Analysis, enabling users to summarise and present large datasets efficiently. By learning to make and use pivot tables, you can transform raw data into meaningful insights, streamline reporting, and enhance decision-making. Mastering pivot tables improves data management and boosts overall productivity and accuracy.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Pivot Table in Excel?

A pivot table in Excel is a powerful tool for summarising, analysing, and presenting large datasets. It helps users dynamically rearrange data to uncover trends and insights using rows, columns, values, and filters.

How Do I Make a Pivot Table in Excel?

To make a pivot table in Excel, select your data range, go to the “Insert” tab, and click “PivotTable.” Choose whether to place it in a new or existing worksheet, then drag and drop fields into the Rows, Columns, Values, and Filters areas.

How Can I Use Pivot Tables to Analyse Data?

You can use pivot tables to analyse data by summarising complex information into clear, concise reports. Group data, apply filters, and use calculated fields to gain insights, track performance, and identify trends in your datasets.


  • Julie Bowie

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    I am Julie Bowie a data scientist with a specialization in machine learning. I have conducted research in the field of language processing and has published several papers in reputable journals.

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