append dataframe pandas

Understanding the Basics of Pandas Dataframe.append() 

Summary: DataFrame.append() in Pandas allows adding rows to DataFrames, enhancing data combination and extension. For large datasets, consider alternatives like pd.concat() for better performance and efficiency.


Pandas is a powerful Python library essential for data manipulation and analysis. It simplifies handling and analyzing data through its versatile DataFrame object. DataFrames allow users to work with tabular data efficiently, enabling data filtering, transformation, and aggregation operations. This blog will focus on Pandas’s append() method, exploring how to append DataFrames effectively. 

By understanding how to use append() and other DataFrames append techniques, you can combine and extend datasets seamlessly, enhancing your data analysis workflows. We aim to provide clear guidance on leveraging append() to manage and manipulate your data efficiently.

Explore: Ultimate Pandas Cheat Sheet: Mastering Pandas.

What is `DataFrame.append()`?

Pandas’s `DataFrame.append()` method is a powerful tool for adding rows to a DataFrame. It allows you to combine data from multiple sources seamlessly, enhancing the flexibility of data manipulation tasks. 

Definition and Functionality

The `append()` method is designed to append rows to the end of a DataFrame. It takes a DataFrame, Series, or a list of DataFrames/Series as input and adds these to the existing DataFrame. This method is particularly useful when you stack data incrementally or merge data from different sources into a single DataFrame.

For instance, if you have a DataFrame `df1` and want to add rows from another DataFrame `df2`, you can use `df1.append(df2)`. By default, it retains the index of the original DataFrame, but you can choose to ignore the index if required.

Integration with Pandas

The `append()` method integrates smoothly with the Pandas library, fitting into its suite of data manipulation tools. Pandas is renowned for its robust data structures, like `DataFrame`, which are ideal for handling and analysing tabular data. The `append()` method complements these structures by providing an easy way to aggregate and expand data.

While `append()` is convenient for quick operations, for larger datasets or more complex data handling, consider using `concat()` or `merge()`, which offer more advanced functionalities and better performance.

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Syntax and Parameters of DataFrame.append()

The DataFrame.append() method in Pandas provides a straightforward way to add rows to an existing DataFrame. Understanding its syntax and parameters helps utilise it effectively for data manipulation tasks.

Syntax of DataFrame.append()

The basic syntax for the append() method is:

Syntax of DataFrame.append()

This method allows you to append rows from another DataFrame or Series to the calling DataFrame.


  • other: This parameter represents the DataFrame or Series you want to append. It can be a single DataFrame, a Series, or even a list of DataFrames. When appending a Series, ensure it has the same column labels as the DataFrame you are appending to.
  • ignore_index: This Boolean parameter dictates whether to ignore the existing index values. When set to True, the method will create a new integer index for the resulting DataFrame, disregarding the original DataFrame and appended objects’ indexes. Setting it to False (the default) retains the original index labels.
  • verify_integrity: When set to True, this Boolean parameter enables the method to check for duplicate indices. If duplicates are found, an exception is raised. This option ensures that index values remain unique across your DataFrame, which is important for data integrity.
  • sort: This Boolean parameter controls whether to sort the columns of the resulting DataFrame. Setting it to True sorts columns alphabetically can help maintain a consistent column order. By default, it is set to False, meaning the original order of columns is preserved.

Understanding these parameters enables effective use of DataFrame.append(), helping you manage and combine data seamlessly in Pandas.

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Basic Usage Examples

The DataFrame.append() method in Pandas provides a straightforward way to combine data. Here’s how you can use it in various scenarios.

Appending a Single DataFrame to Another

To append one DataFrame to another, use the append() method. For example, if you have two DataFrames, df1 and df2, where df1 contains existing data and df2 contains new data to be added, you can simply call:

Appending a Single DataFrame to Another

This code concatenates df2 to the end of df1, resulting in a new DataFrame df_combined with all rows from both DataFrames. By default, append() retains the indices from the original DataFrames. If you want to reindex the resulting DataFrame, set the ignore_index parameter to True:

Appending a Single DataFrame to Another

Appending Multiple DataFrames

Appending multiple DataFrames in one go is also easy with append(). You can pass a list of DataFrames to the method:

Appending Multiple DataFrames

In this example, df2, df3, and df4 are appended to df1, and the resulting DataFrame df_combined will include all rows from the list. This approach is practical when combining data from multiple sources or collecting data in chunks.

Appending a Series to a DataFrame

You can also append a Series to a DataFrame. When appending a Series, ensure it has the same column names as the DataFrame. For instance:

Here, new_row represents the data to be added as a new row. By setting ignore_index to True, Pandas will create a new index for this row.

Using DataFrame.append() simplifies data addition and concatenation tasks, making data manipulation in Pandas more efficient.

Common Use Cases

Understanding common use cases can help you leverage this method effectively to streamline your data processing tasks. Here, we explore three critical scenarios where append() proves particularly useful: combining datasets from different sources, adding new rows to an existing DataFrame, and handling data collected in chunks.

Combining Datasets from Different Sources

When working with data from various sources, it’s common to have separate DataFrames that need to be combined into a single cohesive dataset. The append() method provides a straightforward way to achieve this. 

Suppose you have two DataFrames, df1 and df2, containing similar columns but different rows. Using df1.append(df2), you can easily concatenate these DataFrames, aligning them vertically to create a unified dataset. This approach is especially useful in aggregating data from multiple files or merging quarterly reports into an annual dataset.

Adding New Rows to an Existing DataFrame

Adding new rows to an existing DataFrame is a frequent task in data analysis and data collection. For instance, you might need to update a DataFrame with new data entries as they become available. 

The append() method allows you to append new rows efficiently. If you have a DataFrame df and a new row represented as a Series or a DataFrame new_data, you can use df.append(new_data, ignore_index=True) to include these new rows. 

The ignore_index=True parameter ensures the index is reset, maintaining the DataFrame’s integrity and preventing index duplication.

Handling Data Collected in Chunks

In many data processing scenarios, especially when dealing with large datasets, it’s common to process data in chunks. For example, you might read data in segments and then need to aggregate these segments into a single DataFrame. 

The append() method is ideal for this purpose. As you read each chunk of data, you can append it to a master DataFrame, gradually building up the complete dataset. 

For example, if you read data from multiple CSV files in chunks, you can append each chunk to an initially empty DataFrame, consolidating all chunks into one comprehensive DataFrame.

These use cases highlight the flexibility of the DataFrame.append() method in managing and merging data. Whether combining disparate datasets, updating existing records, or aggregating data chunks, append() provides a simple and effective solution for maintaining organised and comprehensive data.

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Performance Considerations

Performance becomes crucial when working with large Data Frames in Pandas. The DataFrame.append() method, though convenient, can have significant performance implications. Understanding these impacts and comparing append() with other methods like concat() and merge() can help optimise data manipulation tasks.

Performance Impact of Using append() in Large DataFrames

The append() method is straightforward: it adds rows from one DataFrame or Series to another. However, this simplicity comes at a cost when handling large datasets. Each call to append() creates a new DataFrame, as Pandas does not modify the original DataFrame in place. 

This behaviour can increase memory usage and processing time, especially if append() is used repeatedly in a loop.

For instance, appending rows one by one to a DataFrame in a loop can be highly inefficient. Each append operation involves the overhead of constructing a new DataFrame and copying the data. As the size of the DataFrame grows, these operations can become a bottleneck, leading to slower performance and higher memory consumption.

Comparison with concat() and merge()

The concat() function is often preferred over append() when dealing with multiple DataFrames. Unlike append(), concat() can handle the combination of numerous DataFrames in a single call, which is more efficient. 

This method allows more control over concatenation along different axes (rows or columns). By concatenating DataFrames at once, you avoid the iterative overhead associated with multiple append() operations, resulting in better performance for large datasets.

The merge() function combines DataFrames based on common columns or indices, similar to SQL joins. While merge() is not a direct alternative to append(), it is crucial for scenarios where merging data based on specific keys is required. 

merge() can handle complex join operations more efficiently than a series of append() calls, especially when dealing with large datasets that require merging based on keys.

Limitations of DataFrame.append()

Limitations of DataFrame.append()

While DataFrame.append() is a convenient method for adding rows to a DataFrame, its limitations can affect its efficiency and applicability in certain scenarios.

Performance Concerns

DataFrame.append() is not optimised for performance when dealing with large datasets or frequent appends. Each call to append() creates a new DataFrame, which can lead to significant overhead and slow down the process. Repeatedly using append() for large-scale data manipulation can become a bottleneck.

Inefficiency with Large DataFrames

Appending rows to a DataFrame multiple times may result in inefficient memory usage and slower performance. This is because every append operation involves creating a new DataFrame and copying over existing data. This inefficiency can be problematic when working with substantial amounts of data.

Alternative Methods

For better performance, consider using pd.concat() instead of append(). pd.concat() can concatenate multiple DataFrames more efficiently and is designed to handle large datasets more effectively. Another approach is to collect data in a list of DataFrames and concatenate them all at once using pd.concat(). This method reduces overhead and improves execution time.

Understanding these limitations and alternatives helps choose the right approach for efficient data manipulation with Pandas.

Best Practices

Following best practices ensures efficient and reliable data manipulation when working with the DataFrame.append() method in Pandas. Here are key tips to optimise your use of append():

Tips for Using append() Efficiently:

  • Minimise Frequent Appends: Avoid appending data repeatedly within a loop, as this can be inefficient and slow. Instead, collect all data in a list and append it to the DataFrame in one go. This approach reduces overhead and improves performance.
  • Use ignore_index When Necessary: If you want to reset the index after appending, use the ignore_index=True parameter. This avoids index duplication and maintains a clean, sequential index in the resulting DataFrame.
  • Avoid Appending Large DataFrames: Appending large Data Frames can be resource-intensive. If possible, use pd.concat() to concatenate multiple Data Frames, as it is designed for better performance with large datasets.

Avoiding Common Pitfalls and Ensuring Data Integrity:

  • Check for Duplicate Indices: Ensure that the indices of the DataFrames you are appending do not overlap unless intended. Use the verify_integrity=True parameter to detect and handle any potential index conflicts.
  • Maintain Consistent Data Structures: Ensure the Appended DataFrames have consistent columns and data types. Mismatched columns can lead to unexpected results and data integrity issues.

Adhering to these best practices will help you use DataFrame.append() efficiently and ensure your data manipulation tasks are practical and error-free.

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Bottom Line

The DataFrame.append() method in Pandas simplifies adding rows to a DataFrame, but it has limitations, particularly with large datasets. For optimal performance, consider alternatives like pd.concat() or merge(). By understanding and applying best practices, you can effectively manage and manipulate your data, ensuring efficient and reliable data processing.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Purpose of DataFrame.append() in Pandas?

Pandas’s DataFrame.append() method adds rows to an existing DataFrame. It allows for combining data from different sources or extending datasets, enhancing data manipulation flexibility.

How can I Improve Performance Using DataFrame.append() with Large Datasets?

Avoid frequently using DataFrame.append() in loops to enhance performance. Instead, collect data in a list and use pd.concat() to combine DataFrames, which is more efficient for large datasets.

What are Common Alternatives to DataFrame.append() for Combining DataFrames?

For better performance, use pd.concat() to combine multiple DataFrames or merge() for complex join operations. These methods are more efficient and handle large datasets better than DataFrame.append().


  • Sam Waterston

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    Sam Waterston, a Data analyst with significant experience, excels in tailoring existing quality management best practices to suit the demands of rapidly evolving digital enterprises.

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